Becoming a Hero

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It's now the day of the hero exams and, me being me, I arrived soon after the opening time. I wasn't the first one, but I was in the upper half. The written test was really easy and I was the first one finished. Then during the physical tests, I almost broke everything while I could tell that Saitama actually broke the stuff.

To put it bluntly, it was all really boring. And to top it all off I was called in for an interview after all the tests. They obviously heard about me from someone because they were asking me about my inventions, which I didn't go telling everyone I randomly met about. And they asked about the seagull monster that I killed a couple of weeks ago.

"Yeah, I killed it on the way to the supermarket a couple of weeks ago after work. Anything else?"

They muttered to each other about it being a threat level: Tiger before saying, "What did you think of the tests?"

"They were way too easy for me. But they are necessary to eliminate the weaker applicants. Any more questions? I'm kinda running low on sleep."

They dismissed me after stamping a paper and I went back to the girls' locker room to wait for the results. Not too long after, the results were brought in and I opened mine to see that I got a 100/100 and was put into Class A.

'If the ranking system is like the one in Belial 3, then I'm ranked pretty high.' An announcement was then made that there would be a rookie seminar in lecture hall 3. 'I just wanna go home and sleep...' I started heading there and ended up walking with Saitama and Genos.

"So, what class did you guys get?" *Yawn* I asked.

"I was placed into Class S," Genos answered.

I looked at Saitama. "They put me in Class C... What about you?"

"Class A. The seminar better not take too long, I ended up pulling two all-nighters to finish Robo Kits-0026."

"Robo Kits?"

"Yeah, the little surveillance robots I was working on. A boulder shouldn't be able to break them now..." I muttered the last part before we got to the lecture hall.

Saitama and Genos sat down in the middle front desk while I sat in the front desk by the windows, trying not to fall asleep. During the lecture, all I got was the guy was in Class A and he did some sort of martial arts, albeit not the best. After that, we all headed home.

*Yawn* "Saitama~ Can you carry me? I'm about to fall asleep?~" I asked with a sleepy voice.

"Get on my back."

I did as he said and jumped on his back and rested my head on his shoulder, falling asleep instantly.

I jolted awake some when my bed moved. I opened my eyes to see that Class A guy knocked out on the ground.

"You almost hit Isayo, jackass! I don't wanna deal with her being pissed off!"

"I don't think he can hear you..." I sleepily mumbled before feeling Saitama tense up. "I'm too tired to get pissed right now anyway..." I fell back asleep after that.


Saitama and Genos were below me as they did their all-out practice bout. And when they were done, Genos was going to go against me.

As they fought, I put my attention into putting the finishing touch on my new heat resistant shield, Model-0009GEN, named after the only heat source that melted my reinforced apartment materials.

Right after I was done, Saitama finished the bout by stopping a normal punch right in front of Genos' face. I landed by the two of them with a smile.

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