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 We were sitting in Genus's little apartment that was right behind the takoyaki stand, and I had just finished explaining the whole family line to him while also eating the spicy takoyaki.

"I see. So my brother actually had a child."

"Mhm," I swallowed my second to last piece. "He really didn't like you though. Nor did my father." I ate my last piece.

"That's understandable," he sighed. "I did completely abandon a normal life in pursuit of evolution."

"Oh, I can see why that would make people hate you... and anything to do with science."

"Why do you say it like that?" he had a look of worry.

"Don't worry, I'm not doing anything like the evolution stuff you did," I waved that idea off. "I just invent whatever I feel like for fun. Which got me into trouble as a kid."

He raised a questioning brow.

A little smile formed on my face. "My father absolutely hated anything to do with science," I started as I rolled my sleeve up. "In short, he didn't have the mental capacity to understand that not all scientists are mad."

His eyes widened as he saw all of the scars that refused to fade. "I'm... sorry..."

I chuckled which seemed to surprise him. "For what? You're not the one who gave me these. You were just going after your dream," I said as I rolled it back down. "I just didn't listen to either of my parents and kept making stuff. So it's no one's fault but mine," I shrugged.

"You're... quite nonchalant..." he sweatdropped.

"Very," I nodded. "Do you have anything spicier? Cuz this is like a 3 out of 10 on the spicy scale."

"I don't even see how you like that stuff."

"Oh, shush, Kuroo."

"Sorry, the stand hasn't been up that long, so I don't have any yet."

The door then opened to reveal a... gorilla? In a hoodie and sweatpants.

"Oh, this is Armored Gorilla."

I blinked out of my slight stupor. "Hi. I'm Isayo."

"My great-niece as it happens to be," Genus added.

"Wait. You have a family?" the gorilla asked.

I silently gasped as I thought of an idea. "Genus. Do you think you can help me with something?"

"What is it?"

"I've been trying to make a translater for Kuroo, but I keep getting a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. Think you can help? I could do it if he was a normal cat, don't get me wrong, but he's an alien so it's harder."

"I suppose I could help you," he sighed.

"Thanks. Do you mind if we do it today?"

"I don't mind."

"Double thanks. I'll be back cuz I gotta head home to grab that," I said with an excited smile as I stood up.

"Alright, I'll be here."

I slipped my shoes on before getting Kuroo on my shoulder and heading out.

"Better hang on," I said as I was getting ready to run. Honestly, whenever I want to do something, I get energized.

I ran home and got there after just a few minutes. Right after I got inside, I changed into my usual outfit with a plain labcoat and I grabbed all of the tools that I needed plus some extra.

The Otaku Inventor (One Punch Man fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now