I Hate Mosquitos

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I sat in my workshop(bedroom) analyzing some monster samples that my friend, Saitama, had gotten me earlier.

I finished analyzing the sample and it was just some mutated bacteria.

*Sigh* "Why can't I get some more interesting samples..." I muttered to myself before hearing a knock at my apartment door.

I rolled my spinning chair to my end table and looked at the laptop monitor to see a familiar bald head.

"It's open, Saitama!" I yelled as I rolled back to my desk to work on developing a new shield - Model-1019SAI. It's the 1,019th shield that I've tried to make so that it can withstand anything, even Saitama's punches.

I heard my apartment door open.

"Hey, Isayo, I brought back some more samples," he said in his usual tone as he approached my room. And he froze in my doorway. "You really need to clean your room."

"Workshop," I corrected as I stretched my arms.

"Did you even eat today?" My stomach growled an answer. *Sigh* "Eggs over rice sound good?" He asked as he set down two containers at the end of my desk.

"Yeah, and I'm almost done with Model-1019SAI."

"Okay. Get a shower and I'll start cooking."

"'Kay~" He left the room and I reluctantly got up and grabbed a new set of clothes and went to my bathroom.

I turned on the shower and undressed, hanging my lab coat on the back of the door and tossing the rest on the floor. I looked in the mirror above the sink to see my white hair almost a dark gray - there were a few times that there was an explosion that ended with a lot of smoke over the past three days - and my forest green eyes were more noticeable with the dust and dirt on my face. I took off my light blue wide-framed glasses and got in the shower. I didn't have bad eyesight or anything, the glasses just made it to where I could focus on one thing instead of five at a time. I thoroughly washed my hair with my non-scented shampoo and washed my body with non-scented body wash - can't have scented cleaners possibly ruining the monster samples. When I finished rinsing off, I got out, dried off, and put on my fresh clothes and glasses. I put the dirty ones in the hamper outside of the bathroom along with my lab coat and went into my decently clean kitchen.

"Just in time, the food's done." He brought the two bowls to the table and sat down.

"Thanks. I spaced off eating because of a robot I've been working on." I took a bite.

"Oh, you're working on robots now? That's cool. Is that why you looked like a witch, with all that gray hair?"

"Yep. Had ten explosions in three days."

"A busy week then."

"Mhm." I nodded. "Looks like you had a busy day. You usually only bring one sample in."

"Yeah, had that purple thing this morning, a giant naked guy when I was getting groceries, and one that made fun of my baldness," he said while listing them on his fingers.

"I feel sorry for the last one." I chuckled.

We finished eating.

"I'm gonna head home." 

"'Kay, and thanks for the food."

"No problem, someone has to make sure you eat. See ya."

He left and I started my laundry before checking my cabinets and fridge - they were empty except for condiments and water. 

"Good thing bargain day at the supermarket is in a couple of days..." I muttered to myself as I went back to my workshop. *Yawn* I cleaned up my sleep area and shut off my laptop and lights before laying in my futon. I set my black cat alarm for 8 AM and fell asleep soon after.

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