I Win, Bluey!

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Yesterday, after Udon, Char and I had our spar. Let's just say that I almost literally wiped the floor with him.

Right now, there was a bunch of yelling going on outside that I chose to ignore while I worked on a new function for my bots. That would be the invisibility function, and let me tell you that it's nowhere near an easy feat.

*Groan* "Break time. And time to cash in on that Red Curry Hot Pot with Baldy," I said to myself after a few hours. I put my glasses on and saw that it was already 5:30. "I've been working for almost 10 hours straight..."

Without further ado, I went over to Saitama's and knocked since I haven't been over today.

"Come in, Isayo!" I heard from the other side. We went to each other's places so much that we could identify the other by the knocking.

I walked in and slipped off my sandals before going to the main room.

"Hot Pot time."

"You're that beat, huh?" He asked with a raised brow as he looked up from his manga.

I dramatically sat on the floor before saying, "Developing an invisibility function is a bitch. Where's Genos?"

"Washing the dishes. I'll get started on the food." He got up with a grunt and went to the kitchen.

I scooted to his spot and grabbed a new manga.

"Hey, Isayo, I'm out of those chili peppers that you like. You got some at your place?"

"Yeah. Be right back." I went to my place, grabbed 6, and came back before handing them over. "Six sounds like a good number this time."

"I really don't see how you can handle these things. I can't even handle one bite of them."

"Well, a few years back, someone tried saying that I didn't have the balls to eat a whole one of those."

"And you being you just had to prove them wrong, right?"

"You know me so well," I said with a grin.

I sat back down and went back to reading the manga. A while later, Saitama and Genos came out with a pot each. And we started eating after they sat down.

"Hey, what rank are you guys now?" I asked.

"I'm rank 5," Saitama replied.

"And I am rank 16," Genos answered.

"Cool. I'm also rank 5 and I'm getting closer to taking Amai's spot."

"Don't tell me..." Saitama started.

"That I challenged him? You bet your ass I did. I told him that I'd take his number 1 spot." I had a shit-eating grin as I said that.

*Sigh* "Why am I not surprised?"

"Because it's in my nature to want to come out on top," I answered with the same tone.

"At least you haven't done that with one of the Class S guys... Right?"


*Groan* "You're such a handful."

"If I may ask, who is it that you challenged in Class S?" Genos inquired.

"Technically, I challenged him before the Hero Association was even made. But, it's my Master."

"You are somebody's disciple?"

"Is he stronger than me?"

"Genos, yes. Saitama, no."


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