Flashback Pt. 2

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*Warning- short scene of child abuse at the beginning*

I slipped my shoes off after I shut the door to my house.

"I'm back..." I muttered.

I went to the kitchen to find my father waiting for me, as usual. I followed the drill and handed him my bookbag before going to my room. It was the most simplistic of simplistic rooms. It had a bed, dresser, and ceiling fan/light.

I sighed after shutting my door, thinking that I forgot something. The angry footsteps soon after made me remember that I accidentally put Werewolf Man in my bookbag.

The door slammed open to reveal my father.

"What is this?!" He angrily asked, holding out the small robot.

"It's just a toy," I said with a small voice as I looked at the floor.

"What the fuck did I say about this stuff, Isayo?! I will not allow any child of mine to become like that lunatic uncle of mine!" He yelled before roughly grabbing my arm and dragging me downstairs. He shoved me in the living room before punching my stomach, making me double over from the loss of air. "How many times do you have to be punished for not listening to us?! Huh?!"

"I don't care..." I muttered.

"What did you say?!"

"I said 'I don't care'. I don't want to have the future that you two want me to have!" I was getting close to snapping.

"Tch! You've always been a mistake. Just like my uncle. You won't listen to your own Mom and Dad. You should have never been born."

I snapped. "I fucking hate you! You never cared about me! You don't even want your own daughter to have her own dreams! You never even wanted me to have friends!"

"Shut up, you little bitch!" He grabbed my arm again and ripped the sleeve off this time, revealing the scars that they gave me.

I yanked my arm back before running to the door. It glowed red and opened before I was even to it. When I got outside, it was pouring.

"Get back here!!" I heard him yell, but I was too far away for him to see me.

I kept running until I made it to my favorite park. No one was there since it was raining. I walked to my tree and flopped down with exhaustion. I just sat there with my knees hugged to my chest as I tried to catch my breath, all the while getting even more soaked.

'God... I actually snapped on him. What is he going to do when he finds me?' I felt some warmth slide down my cheeks and realized that I was crying. 'I'm... scared.'

"Isayo?" I looked over to see Garou with an umbrella. "Why are you out here? It's raining." He started walking over until he saw my exposed right arm, making his eyes go wide. "Hey, what happened?" He asked with a gentler voice as he crouched down next to me. I just hugged my knees tighter and looked at my feet. "Isayo. You can't avoid it this time. Tell me what happened-"

"My poor fucking excuses for parents did this, alright?!" I snapped. "I didn't want anyone finding out... I didn't want to be pitied, and I didn't want you to feel bad for me..."

"Look at me." I hesitated but did. The next thing he did shocked me.

He hugged me.

My tears welled up and I cried hard into his shoulder. I haven't felt anything this warm and comforting since I was just a little kid. He rubbed comforting circles in my back while I cried and after a while, I stopped and he pulled away a bit.

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