I Have Returned

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I hurriedly got dressed after I read the text from Akito.

"I'll be back, Kuroo!" I called out.

"Okay," he replied lazily from my bed.

Yeah, Kuroo can talk, but only through telepathy.

I slipped my sandals on and flew out of the balcony and to the video game store. After I got there, I walked inside and found the last copy in the new section.

I got it!!! Let's find something else now.

I looked through the aisles and found Castle Swimmer. As I grabbed it, I noticed someone grab Heatbeat Hottie Sisters 2. I looked at the owner of the hand and saw King.

"Oh, hey, King. I didn't know you were an otaku," I said with a smile.

"Uh... Oshiro, right?" he asked.

"Just Isayo's fine," I waved off. "I didn't know they came out with a second HHS."

"Yeah. It just came out recently," he said with the smile that otakus get.

We ended up otaku talking for a few more minutes before he left and I kept browsing the games. I ended up being there for another hour or so before checking out with four games and another controller.

"Akito. Why didn't you tell me about Castle Swimmer?" I asked in complete seriousness.

*Sigh* "Sorry, forgot about that one."

"Boke," I chuckled.

"Well, hope you have fun with the last copy."

"I will, see ya."


I was in my workshop/livingroom/bedroom working on a device that would let Kuroo verbally talk. There had also been some noise going on outside, but I really didn't care at the moment.

"Aren't you going to see what's going on?" Kuroo asked as he looked at the dust cloud outside.

I was about to say something when the whole building shook. Things started to fall off of the shelves and table, but I stopped them.

"Now I am," I said with a bit of an annoyed tone after everything was set back in place.

Kuroo went over to the somewhat clear couch as I opened the balcony door. I looked down at the street and couldn't even see anything through the dust.

"Oi! Who the hell is destroying the street?!" I exclaimed with a little bit of anger as the dust started to clear.


"Oh shit... She's mad..." Saitama muttered.

On the ground near him was Speed o' Sound Sonic, who was unconscious from the shockwaves that the bald hero made when he was doing sidesteps. Standing behind Saitama was Genos, and behind him on the ground was Hellish Blizzard.


I jumped off of my balcony and hovered down to the ground.

"The buildings too?! Seriously?!" I exclaimed as I saw the corners of the surrounding buildings littered on the ground. I turned to where everyone was and gestured to the wrecked neighborhood. "Who the hell did this? And who the hell almost broke my prototypes?"

"... Sorry..." Saitama hesitantly said.

*Sigh* I rubbed my head in exasperation from the baldy before noticing a woman sitting on the ground in a bit of shock. "Tried to get Baldy on your side, huh? Well, since you're the reason that a lot of the stuff is destroyed, you can help me."

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