Ok (I Honestly Didn't Know What to Call it)

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I finally finished Cat Bot-0009 after 5 days. Yes, it still needs plenty of improvements, but it was a lot better than the first model. I decided to get out of my apartment and take a trip to my favorite video game store. Along the way, I spotted a familiar ninja.

"Hey there, Hedgehog." I had a teasing smirk as I waved.

His eye twitched in annoyance. "I'm not a damned hedgehog!"

"Whatever you say."

"By the way, I wasn't done questioning you the last time we met."

"Well, if you want to talk you'll have to come with me to the game store. I haven't been out for almost a week and I need to see if they have anything new." I started walking towards the store that was just down the street a little way with Sonic in tow.

"I thought you were a scientist?"

"Yeah, but gaming gives me ideas for stuff to invent. Heck, that's one of the main reasons I invented a hoverboard that actually hovers."

"I see."

"So, what did you want to ask?" I asked before we walked into the store. "Hey, Akito." I greeted the manager with a wave before making my way back to the section where they usually have new games.

Akito has light blonde hair, light blue eyes, and is almost a foot taller than me.

"Why were you really in the forest?" He asked as I squatted and looked at the games on the bottom shelf.

"Already told you. I was testing out some patrol robots. They're actually a lot better now, just have to add a couple more functions then they're done." I looked in the top left corner of my vision just to notice that I forgot my glasses.

"Looking for anything in particular, Isayo?" I heard Akito ask. I looked up to him.

"Got anything new?"

"Not yet. But~ Final Dream XIII is coming out later this year!"

Instantly sparkles formed in my eyes. "You better not be joking or I will strangle you."

"I'm not. If you want proof it's in the new gamer monthly."

I hopped up from the floor. "You had better let me know when it's released. I've been waiting years for the thirteenth game."

"I know, I will. So, who's your friend? You usually don't bring anyone one with you."

"Oh, this is just Sonic the Hedgehog. The ninja I told you about a while back."

"It's Speed o' Sound Sonic!" Sonic snapped.

"Same difference." I waved it off.

Akito chuckled before saying, "Nice to meet you, Sonic. I'm one of Isayo's friends and her savior when it comes to new games. Don't mind her antics too much, she's just naturally like that."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I asked with a laugh.

"Oh, and, if you hurt her, I- Ow!" I flicked his forehead.

"Akito. Down. Besides, he can go at the speed of sound. You wouldn't be able to do anything."

"Owie~ Your flicks really hurt, Isa!" He was rubbing his forehead.

"Well, learn from the flicks and don't do the same dumb thing."

"I'll be taking my leave," Sonic said before walking out, looking completely done with the both of us.

"Aww... You scared the black hedgehog away, Akito~."

"Huh?! I wouldn't be able to scare him away! You're the only one that could do that!"

"So, you admit that you're weaker?"

"Well you told me that I was, and there's no way in fucking hell that I could run even close to the speed of sound. Oh, and nice pun you did earlier."

"I try. So, any games that I haven't played that I'd like?"

"Hmm... Let me think... There's Aku Aku Neko. You get to play a free-roaming RPG as a cat and you can either cause evil or good."

"That sounds like fun."

"Alrighty, then I'll grab you a copy. Also, it's for the Pluto 4."

"Okay, I've got all the Pluto consoles anyway."

He grabbed the game and I bought it before heading home.

On the way home, however, I ran into a couple of monsters that tried to attack me. I killed them before reporting it to the Hero Association. After I got home, I cleaned up my living room a bit before going over to Saitama's.

I knocked on the door and a moment later Genos opened it.

"Hey, Genos. Saitama here?"

"No. Master went out to fulfill his weekly quota."

"There's a weekly quota?"

"Only for Class C heroes."

"Oh. Well, since Saitama isn't here, do you want to play some video games?"

"I am sorry Dr. Isayo, but I must decline. For I am cleaning Master's apartment."

"No worries. If you need anything, I'll be at my place."

I went back to my apartment and played Aku Aku Neko until my stomach growled. I got up and went to the kitchen to make French Toast for supper. Don't judge breakfast for supper is delicious.

~Hey guys! So, this was a short chapter. The next one should be a bit longer. Let me know what you guys think so far because this is the first story that I've actually done a lot of scenes that doesn't go off of the main ones and I personally think I'm doing well. Hope you all are doing well and that you enjoyed! Bye-bye:)~

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