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~3rd Person POV~

"CHARANKO!! YOUR ASS ISN'T DONE TRAINING YET!" Isayo's yell sounded from the outside training ground.

The said boy flinched as Saitama slightly paled. Bang and Genos, however, were unaffected.

"Have fun with your funeral," Saitama said.

~Isayo POV~

I opened the door to the main entrance area angrily before spotting Saitama and Genos, replacing my anger with interest.

"Oh, hey, guys. What're you two doing here?" I asked, calmly shutting the door behind me in the process.

"We should be the ones asking you that," Saitama said with a slightly confused face after he mouthed 'You owe me one' to Char.

"Take a good look at what I'm wearing and rethink that," I deadpanned before sitting next to Char.

"Oh... Wait. How long have you been doing this?"

"Since I was 14 so about 6 years now."

"6 years?!" Saitama and Char questioned.

"Yeah." I sweatdropped. "Master Bang is my adoptive dad, so naturally I became a student here."




I decided to snap them out of their stupor. "Oh, wait. I remember why you guys are here. Master Bang wanted to show you two something."

Everyone directed their attention to Bang.

"Fist of Flowing Water Crushing Rock!" He showed them the martial arts that he teaches here. "It goes something like that. Want to give it a try? You're both strong and look like quick learners, I bet you'll get a hang of it in no time. What do you say?"

'They're both gonna say 'no'.'

"Is this really the cool thing you said you wanted to show us, a sales pitch for your dojo? Thanks, but I'll pass. You can do it, Genos," Saitama denied.

"No. I will pass as well. What I seek is not the art of self-defense, but total destructive power."

'And Char's gonna get into it.'

"You punks!" Char stood up, proving my point. "Mocking our fighting style?! I, the second top disciple, Charanko, challenge you!" He charged at Genos who lifted him up by his neck. "I-I give up!" He managed to get up before he was dropped.

"Is he really your second best student?" Genos asked Bang.

"Hmm. Afraid so," he answered.

"But I had heard that your dojo was brimming with skilled fighters. The only skilled student I see is Dr. Isayo."

"Hmm. Well, my other best disciple went wild. He beat my most skilled students that were here so badly, they're all out of commission. The rest got scared and quit. Understandable, but unfortunate."

The day that had happened, was also the day that I accidentally got myself put into the hospital along with the same time that my hair went white.

"Is he really that strong? What's his name?" Saitama asked.

"Garou. Even though he was my top disciple, along with Isayo, at the time, I gave him a good beating and expelled him."

"You must pack a mean punch, Old Man."

"Hey, watch it! This is the famed hero Silverfang, Class S, Rank 3! He toys with his opponents like water, then delivers a blow like a raging river smashing a boulder! A master of martial arts! You only recently became a hero, right? That would explain your ignorance. You'll regret ever taking Master Bang so lightly!" Char announced.

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