Chapter 1 - Wonders

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I watched as my assistance teach the three artificial steves I have come to love as my sons. However, at the same time, he just wish he can allowed them the chance to at least see what's beyond the forest that keeps there home hidden and safe. Ever since I had left all seven of the steves Kingdom after defeating Void and such. I couldn't bear to see them anymore, locking myself away.

Only being known as a mere scientist, wanting to learn everything I can. Even the alternatives realities, universes and realms.

I no longer goes by my original name, Sabre zyth Favre, only calling myself Prof. Favre.

Nothing else.

Years has it not? I wonders... how is everyone fairing with my sudden disappearance?

Did they worried? Did they searched for me? Did they even cared? So many questions, questions I wished he had the answers to. I knows I can no longer age, as I stopped at the age of twenty four. I knows I will outlive most. However, the Steves themselves can live up to at least three generations, from what I knows at least from his old friend explaining to him.


It's a powerful, yet dangerous thing.

I looks at the three children's.

The Artificial Red Steve, created as a hybrid of a Red Steve and a Phoenix. Have bright red hair that's as soft as feathers, fair skin, golden red eyes, cherry red long sleeve silk shirt with gold outline. White cotton silk cloth wrapped around his waist, black trousers, white and gold outline boots. Finally, beautiful redish gold wings, fit just for him.

His name is Zythen.

Magnificent isn't he? I do hope he will be alright when the time comes when he would have to be on his own. Although, ik pretty sure he's blind to love, at least, I think he is? If so, I feel bad, but also not feel bad for all those that wish to take his hand in marriage. Although... I'm not letting anyone take my sons hand in marriage anyways. Not unless I approved of them though.

Ahh yes. I can already tell I'll be a overprotective father.

Anyways, I look at the second artificial Steve, a Green Steve, who's the middle child.

He have long silky bright green hair, fair skin, emerald green eyes that seems like they sparkle with life, long pointy ears, forest green cotton shirt, white cotton silk cloth wrapped around his waist, black trousers and brown boots. He's a Green Steve and Elves hybrid.

His name is Zemiria

Like the oldest child, he's likely to be asked by many for his beauty and resembling a female, somewhat.

I won't let anyone asked him out though.

I then look at the third and the most youngest out of the three. He's still fairly young, just a smol toddler to say the least.

Silky sapphire blue hair, pale skin, crystal sky blue eyes, a simple dark blue long sleeve shirt and brown shorts, white knee length socks, followed by brown ankle high boots. He have small, yet pure white faded to a icy blue wings. He was an angel like hybrid, to say the least.

His name is Cylen.

I smiled as I watched the three play with Rainbow Assistance. Ever since I reversed the affects on him to be a normal Steve, he realized that it would raised suspicion that a Rainbow Steve still exists. So he decided to stay here in my lab and help me with the kids. Mostly because he hates my assistance. Assistance Steve.

Yeah, he worries me too honestly.

Not sure why though.


"Daddy!" I stumbled back when I felt Cylen tackled hugged me, I smiled and hugged him. "Yes Cylen? Do you need something?" I asked, wondering what he needed. He just giggles. "Pway!" He asked me excitedly, I just laugh and little and picked him up. "Of course. My dear son, I'll play with you and your brothers." I answered softly, Petting his head as he giggles in delight. I walked over to the others as they seem happy that I joined them on there little game.

"Finally gotten our of your thoughts Prof. Favre?" Rainbow assistance asked with a smug look, I rolled my eyes. "Oh please, I'm sure you had your fun. Besides, I just had to wonder about the past for a moment." I answered, he just smiled. "Either way, we should get back to playing, I'm sure they would love to play with there father, while I go off to do some work. Have fun sir. " He said as he stood up and leave.

I sighed as I look at the kids, I smiled and played with them, happy to say the least.


Two lone Steves entered a mysterious forest. "Hey, do you think we'll find the mysterious Hero?" One of them asked, the other shrugged. "Maybe! He's been gone for at least, sixteen years, who knows if he's even alive or not. They did say Minecraftian don't have a very long lifespan, unlike us Steve." They answered, the other shrugged. "Either way, maybe we can finally solve the case of the fallen hero disappearance!"


Okay, this should be enough for this chapter. Hope it was good enough for y'all, this will be updated from time to time as. I have yet to finished planning out a lot for this. Although, Prof. Favre holds a LOT of secrets after all. Until then, see ya!


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