Chapter 5 - His sons

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Prof. Favre softly hums as he works on his paper works, it wasn't too important like the other paper work he had done, but he had to finished this set. It is documents for his sons after all. He wonders if he should probably let the children's learned to control there abilities. Especially for his eldest son, fire hazard can be dangerous after all. 

Which is something he worries about. 

He knows phoenixes are immortal, they're very powerful and wise. As well as extremely rare and mystical, but the Red Steves are also wise. Which makes them all the more reason to be prone to being attacked by something or someone. 

He didn't want his eldest son, Zythen, to be isolated so much. He wanted him to be carefree and adventurous, but also very much cautious and such. 

As for Zemiria, even though he and Zythen are twins, he's worried as he's more on the fragile side, well, mainly with nature to say the least. He's also more intune with the elements and magic all around. He's also more like that of a Green Steve, even though he is one, although he's also a Elves hybrid. 

They're exceptional magic users, as well as healers from what he can remember. 

Zemiria would need to be really careful when exploring the world, he's like that of a delicate flower after all. 

Now, for Cylen. His dear baby son, he's just like that of a actual Blue Steve, but more delicate and pure. Cylen is a a true angel among all Blue steves, to say the least. However, he's currently only just a young baby, he have much to grow before he can teach him much. 

He can already tell that when he grows up, many would fall for him, Which he won't allowed. At all. He's never ready to let his sons go on there own, yet. Which seems like a normal thing at this point-

"Prof. Favre, your overworking again, do I need to whacked you with the sleeping stick to get you to sleep again?" Prof. Favre thoughts was cut off from Rainbow Apprentice speaking, he look sat him with a 'Please, not the stick, anything but the stick' look. Rainbow Apprentice was not amused honestly, so, he just dragged him away from his desk and forced him to sleep. 

Much to Apprentice Steve amusement as he had recorded the whole thing to used against him, oh and to show the boys how much of an idiot there father can be. 

And maybe for blackmail- I mean, teasing purposes. 


Red Leader sighed as he knows how much his son acts, he knows he acts just like someone, someone he can't much about. They didn't want to be known, they wanted to stay hidden. Unseen as nothing, but a simple "Player" to all those that met her. Red Leader understood, yet, at the same time, he doesn't.

How can he explained that he married a former Player god? 

Although, he could probably keep a look out for his son and his ability, even if he hates him. Again. 


Red Leader head desk. 

He probably shouldn't have taught him how to be a sarcastic liar, just like his mother. It's hard to even take him seriously anymore. He's also a book warm like them, but on the side note, it's not a whole day spent reading, everyday, unlike them. 


Oh, did he ever mentioned that they both just used there abilities to create there son? Mostly because they're both idiots that didn't need people to talk. Than again, they could have adopted, but, there weren't any orphanage anymore. 

Who knew mixing magic would give them something exciting?

(This is getting off script-)


Red Leader sighed as he stood up and picked up a photo of himself and his son, eventually, he would find out the truth behind the Fourth hero, Professor Favre, 'Exile' and disappearance...


This section with Red Leader was just me being a tired idiot that probably needs affections from the said person that I simp for. Which is Red Leader. 

Honestly, creating life with magic is so much more complicated, but again, I am the idiot that my own persona/main OC, to be a Former Player God. Didn't like the concept for personal reason and not used it so often anymore. Anyways, this is the end of this chapter. 

Yes, I truly do simp for Red leader. Mainly cause I made the first art for him and wanted to see more art about the said guy. 

I honestly could have added reference to other stuff, but I didn't want to. Anyways, just to clarify a bit, I CAN be really sarcastic to the point It's hard to tell I'm serious or not. Or manipulating- Idk if I do or not anymore. 

Welp, this is the end of this chapter, finally lol, see ya. 


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