Chapter 15 - A different...Perspective on Time

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Hmm, yes. Professor Favre, I always wondered when you would die. 

What do you mean? Who even are you?

Who I am is not that important to you hehe. What I mean by what I said is quite inevitable you know. Your time is slowly coming to a stop. Eventually, you'll ceased to exist. You always experience the pain, have you not?

...That sudden heart attack was one of it, wasn't it?

I can deny, nor confirm your answer. What I say and do is won't be easily answered after all. Besides, where the fun and suspense if I was to answer your questions hm? I just simply enjoy the conflict you and those childrens will have to endure. Eventually, they all will learn the truth. The truth about you hehe. 

...Why are you even bothering about this? Why do you even want me and the childrens to suffer? What had we done to deserve this? Those childrens shouldn't feel the conflict of this world. I simply just wanted to be free. 

Oh Professor Favre. You simply just can't be free. Your role isn't over yet. You and I know this as much as anyone. You and I know that what will happen soon, will forever changed the fate of those two kids. Your existence in this world is nothing, but dust.

Look. I don't know who the fuck you are and what your doing in this timeline, but just leave me the fuck alone. 

No. I am somewhat from the original. For who I am is not something you need to know. Who I am shall be unknown. For the chains that bind you are unbreakable. A cursed you once held, replace by another that can only result in your death. 

Okay. I get it. I'm going to die. 


So wait, your gonna accept your death?

I accepted it years ago. 

That's dark man.

I know. 



Okay, you know what, this went from ominous to dark, I'm out. 

What the fuck- 


Prof. Favre groans a little as he woke up, he wasn't sure why, but he had a migraine that came from somewhere, yet nowhere. He wasn't even sure how he got it in the first place when he had been sleep. He looks to the left to see the back of Galaxy Assistant. 


Galaxy Assistant? 

When had he returned to the lab? He wondered how long he had been asleep and how long time had time passes by. He look to the right to see that Kyven wasn't in bed, which meant he was well and up and about again. Probably being babied by his father. 

Actually, he looks down to still see that Cylen was with him still, but he was awake and playing with a plushie that he had made for him when he was young. He softly smiled and weakly ruffled Cylen hair, startling the poor child. Who, actually immediately squeal in happy excitement. Which drawn Galaxy Assistant Attention, who was also surprised. 

"Prof. Favre! Your awake, that's good actually. Thought you wouldn't wake up from your coma." He told him, Prof. Favre was confused, what had he meant by that? " you...mean?" He weakly managed to say, Galaxy Assistant grimace. 

"Sir...You had been asleep for the past month. A lot had changed." 



3 weeks earlier...

Kyven sighed as he watched his father fuss over him, really, he's alright!...Although weak, but still. He was alright, he had woken up last night and he was already tired of his father fussing over him and his best friend being clingy to him. They both act as if he was fragile or something. 


He kinda was actually. Anyways, the only that really did concerned them all was that his left eye suddenly turned blue after he woke up. None of them knew how or why, but he have a slight suspicion that his dad got something to know about it. He did had that hurt and familiar look in his eyes after he had saw Kyven sudden changes to his own eyes. 

He wondered what that had meant. 

"Okay, I think your fine now Kyven, but please take it easy alright?" R.Leader softly told him, Kyven huffed, then muttered and okay. R.Leader sighed as he looks at him. 


Red Leader wasn't sure what to tell Kyven, ever since he had woken up with his left eye being Blue all of a sudden. He immediately recognized them. He knows just how different this shade of blue was. It was more brighter, more kinda like a blue star, but also something else. He wasn't sure what. 

He felt as though he met someone that does resemble Kyven in some ways, yet he couldn't remember who it was. It's likely Kyven mother, but he can't remember her name. He never could for some reason. With a slight shake of his head, he look at Kyven- 

"Dad? What was mom like?" 

Red Leader froze, he wasn't expecting for Kyven to asked such a question. "Um...Your mom was...I can't really say honestly, all I could say was that she was just a mysterious traveler." He answered, he wasn't sure what to tell him really. He couldn't exactly tell him who his mom is if he can't remember who she is. 

Kyven look skeptical at the answer, but let it slide. "I guess I can take that for an answer. Also, dad?" "Yes?" "Why does Logran have a mark on his face that looks like a smack?" 

Okay so, he may or may not had Slapped Kyven best friend...

What? He's just a bit of an overprotective father, of course he be mad that his son lost his first kissed to his best friend. :)


Logran internally screamed, he completely forgot that he had kissed Kyven last night. Well, wasn't all that important...


Okay, he may or not had asked Red Leader if he could date Kyven and is also why he got that slap to the face. 

His day has just been fine. :')


This chapter was kinda odd to write honestly, especially since I kinda wanna add in that ship moment with Kyven and Logran. But oh well, I guess that's all for this chapter, until then, see ya. 


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