Chapter 14 - Feelings

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Logran POV

Ever since me and Kyven were children's and best friends, I always knew he was something more than just being my best friend. I didn't know what it was that I felt about him. I do know is that it felt like he's more than just my best friend. I once asked my dad about this, he thinks I have a silly little crush on Kyven.

However, just hearing that made sense to me.

Did I actually like my best friend, Kyven, as more than just a friend should?

I wasn't sure. So I just left feelings as a joke, in a sense. I just left it as a denial or thought it would disappeared with time.

Oh how silly young me was. The feelings stayed and it grew more and more. Am I really falling in love with my best friend Kyven? Most likely. Am I scared? Of course! I'm still like, what? 16 or 17? I'm still learning harsh reality of life! On too of that, I'm still worried about Kyven.

He and Prof. Favre Haven't woken up in a whole week.

I'm afraid. Afraid that Kyven won't wake up or that the professor wouldn't see his children's again. Well, more like his children's won't get to see there dad be awake anymore if he doesn't wake up soon.

Kyven father was devastated when he had found out what was going on, he mentioned something about Kyven mom? Which is... Rare all on it's own. Barely anything is known about Kyven mom. Anyways- honestly, I'm at a lost in what I should even do.

Everyone said we just have to wait for then to wake up.

When would they even wake up though?

Would I ever get to see Kyven curious red eyes? His happy smile. A single hug from him. His smooth and comforting voice....


Shit I sound like a simp.

You know what, I doubt Kyven loves me back...

(A/N: You sure about that?)

With a sighed, I look at Kyven, gently move his hair away from his face, kissed his forehead then left the room to go outside. I needed some fresh air anyways, just to get my mind off of somethings for a little while...


Rainbow assistant sighed as he went to check on the others, well, more like Logran and then Prof. Favre and Kyven condition. To see if they improve really. It has been a week since then after all. He's worried about them as Prof. Favre suffered both physical and mentally while Kyven is only exhausted. The cause of it happens to be unknown, but he did do something to Prof. Favre to managed to save him.

Which is something both amazing, yet really worrying.

With a sighed, Rainbow Assistant went off and managed to find Logran outside. So he walks over and sit next to him.

"Nice night huh?" He softly said, Logran nodded a little, gazing up at the sky. "Rainbow Assistant? Is it okay if I asked you something?" He asked, Rainbow Assistant nodded in response. "Of course you can asked me anything-" "Is it okay to like your best friend as a lover?"

The mere question caught Rainbow Assistant off guard, but his expression soften. "That Depends on the person themselves. They can and can't. Love is love after all, your free to love whoever you want." Rainbow assistant softly answered, gazing up at the sky, being mesmerized by the starry sky.

Logran was silently, letting the response sink in for a moment. "What about you? Do you like anyone?" Logran wondered, Rainbow assistant was silent, he wasn't sure himself.

"Who knows, maybe I do? Maybe I dont."

He's not going to admit he had butterflies in his stomach every time he sees or speak to Galaxy Assistant....maybe he's developing feelings for him? Well, probably unlikely and just something else. It's not like anyone would be upset that he doesn't acknowledge his feelings for the galaxy clad assistant.


Galaxy assistant sneeze, wondering who was talking about him.


Logran just stares at Rainbow Assistant, not sure if he would believe him or not. "I don't believe you, I honestly don't." He said, Rainbow assistant just sighed. He's not a great liar, that he can admit just fine. "Okay fine, I do like someone but I don't even know if it's genuine or not. Since, I'm more or less a artificially created Steve anyways." Rainbow assistant answered truthfully, pouting a little as he looks away.

Logran just laughs a little.

"I'm sure it will be fine, besides, you said it yourself." Logran told him, Rainbow Assistant was silent for a moment, only to nodded in response. "I guess your right. Also, kid, you need sleep-" "I'M NOT A KID!"

"Suuure your not."


Unknown to them, Assistant Steve and Prof. Red, who was there for the past week, had been watching with mild interest. "Every day, they grow, but it pains me to see that they would have to face hardships in the future. Especially with Prof. Favre death coming soon we than we expected." Assistant softly said with a sad tone, Prof. Red nodded.

He too didn't like what the outcome of the future would be.

Especially when it closely ties to Logran and Kyven own life.


This chapter was something.

So uhh, Rainbow Assistant X Galaxy Assistant? Dunno why, but I kinda wanna add it lol.

Originally gonna have it as a joke, but I already like it as part of plot lol. Anyways, see ya in the next chapter!


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