Chapter 12 - Assistant Steve Thoughts

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Assistant Steve POV

I sighed, I can remember clearly of all the times I have been in this lab with Prof. Favre. I know he gave a blueprint of my model to Prof. Red, although, I do wonder what he's up to since he's more or less robotic than I am. Well, used to be. I am sentient, I have emotions and a soul.

He doesn't.

Which he would eventually one day understand.

One day.

Anyways, I'm worried, just like the other assistant, Rainbow Assistant and Galaxy Assistant.

Even though I was a jerk and had trick professor Favre into turning Rainbow into a pickaxe. I'm glad I did. It gets lonely in this lab. I know Prof. Favre missed speaking to others. Which is why I tricked him into creating our new friend, Rainbow Assistant.

I know it hurts for him go see a rainbow Steve, but he managed to move on from it. I'm glad. Green therapist had told me that he was making progress from moving on from his past. Which is good in all honesty.

Then there's the Galaxy Assistant, well, honestly he was by chance, a mishap with learning more about celestial and spatial Energy. We didn't expect for Time and Elemental to appear, which caused the machine to immediately malfunction after accidentally absorbing particles of there energy.

Which ended up creating the Galaxy Assistant. He had the memories of Galaxy Steve, but he had also, surprisingly, heard galaxy voice as well. Telling him to be there for his sons when he can not.

Which, I find that a good thing.

Elemental was going through so much issues, same with Time. Prof. Favre also needed there help as well, well, more like closure. It was warming, really, I can understand why Prof. Favre needed closure. He was friend's, only for a short while.


This wasn't enough.

Every day, I can see Prof. Favre holding a dead, yet tired gaze whenever he doesn't wear his blondfold.

You know how they said that the eyes are the gate way to the soul?

They're right.

Prof. Favre wasn't exactly living, yet he is.

He lives for so long, it pains me.

Prof. Red and Red Leader understand when I told them. They too, felt the same having been alive for generations. It was painful to see loves ones to passed or move on. More so for Prof. Favre as he experiences the most emotional and mental pain then anyone else they knew.

At that time, I didn't know what they meant.

Until they handed me a book, titled.

Rainbow Quest

At first, I didn't understand. They told me to read it.

So I did.

At first. It was happy...but it slowly turned worse and worse... I understand everything from just a single book. It was hard to grasp truly, but it made sense.

His Insomnia.

Lack of appetite. (Had to forced him to eat, he's doing better now)

The dead, yet tired gaze he has.

His need to always be called Favre and never Sabre.

His reasonings to leave the kingdoms and faked his death.

Red leader excuse to exiling him, was only to protect him.

The lab.

My creation.

But one thing that me and everyone else don't understand.

Why is he the oracle of realities in the FMS realms?

It's something none of us understood, but we didn't dare asked Prof. Favre, worried he might do something.

Or worse, hurt himself.


What do I mean by again?

Well, one night, Prof. Favre was overworking himself, as usual, which  is concerning really, as well as being sleep deprived. He began thinking so much negativity on himself. Me, Galaxy Assistant, Rainbow Assistant, Shadow And Origin did tried to calm him down.

But we ended up failing and gain a really terrifying scared when he somehow managed to stabbed his arm with s knife.

Thankfully, it wasn't too bad, but it scared us all to the point, we can't leave him alone.

This was weeks before the children's were even created honestly.

Speaking of the children's... I smiled softly as I remember the day they were created. Honestly at the time I was learning and experimenting on lifeforms that I didn't realized there was life essence in the machine, same with Prof. Favre own energy and DNA. Mixed with 3 components that represent the three primary colored Steve.

Of course, the machine did created them.

A phoenix-red Steve hybeid.

A elf-green Steve hubrid.

And a angel-blue Steve hybrid.

They ended up being Prof. Favre children's, but guess what? They actually improved Prof. Favre life more than what me and the others can achieve.

I was glad. Glad that he was showing more, life, honestly. My counterpart didn't understand, all that me and Prof. Red had told him, is that it's something that can't be truly described.

In a way. We were right.

But now...

I'm worried.

If Prof. Favre dies...

Who will be there for his children's...?


I haven't really shown Assistant Steve that much in this story, so I was like, why not make a chapter about what he thinks through out his life with Prof. Favre?

Of course, I wanted to make him seem more, alive in a way honestly. More, Steve like in a way. So yeah, I hope you all like this and have a wonder day or night.

Cuz it's 12:12am for me right now. :)


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