Chapter 7 - Prof. Favre Lament

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Prof. Favre POV

A few hours. It's already dusk. I just sighed as I look at the young Red Steve, fast asleep on the couch with my eldest son being near, just to make sure he's fine. I quietly sighed as I slip inside of the room that held the unconscious, yet, injured Orange Steve, the more I look at the young child, the more he reminds me of the Orange Leader. 

How long has it been? 

Almost a generation I supposed. 

I wouldn't be surprised if almost all the leaders has childrens, or heirs by than. Still, did they all remake there own kingdom again? Probably did. Although- I wonder how Gerald is doing? Ehh, probably living with the Orange Steves as usual. Wouldn't put it past him to do so, he does have a strong connections with them, unlike me. 

With a heavy sighed, I left the room, AFTER, I made sure the young child is doing alright and recovering properly. Making sure to not alert my two assistance's, who are both talking to one another in the other room. I slipped into my room, get something, then leave, going outside, just as the moon has risen and twilight had arrived. 

Sitting on the stairs, to the entrance to the lab, I just stared up at the sky and watched the moon and the twinkling of the stars. 

It's a peaceful night, is it not? 

Takes me back to a time...

A time where me, Time Steve and Dark Steve just stayed in a village for awhile. 

Before I told them both I must leave. 

Leave before the leaders give me anymore emotional harm...

They both understand, saying they would await for me with open arms. 

Sometimes, I missed laughing with them, Just not the same. 

Just maybe...I could visit? 


Well, I certainly can't, now can I? 

I've been exiled from all Steves kingdom, I now only protect them from the shadows, the shadows of the past. I sighed again and takes out a book. A book titled 'A Father and Hero Sacrifice'....

I know what this book is. 

I know this book is about the stories of this time era. 

I know, eventually, I would have to die...


Zythen POV

I get up from the couch, somewhat stiff from sitting for so long. I look over at the Red Steve from before, only to find him asleep. I smiled a little and carefully covered him with the blanket. There, I went off to make sure my little brothers are asleep and okay. 

After making sure they're fine, I went to check on the Orange Steve that was injured, relive to find that he's recovering, than I noticed that his bandages was recently changed. I'm gonna guess that Papa changed them or something. Maybe the assistance's did? Naw, it's likely papa. Only he would put a small bow on one of the bandages. Always a small bit of an habit of his for some reason. Not sure why though. 

Anyways, I quietly left the room after making sure the Orange Steve was fine, I went to find the assistance, I found Assistance Steve cleaning the storage room thingy that's way too large for anyone liking when it comes to cleaning. I went off to find Rainbow Assistance, only to see him talking to Galaxy Assistance through the main computer communication system. 

I kinda want to meet him actually. 

Papa said one day, he better be right. 

Break one to many promises, well, when it comes to his health that is. 

Wait- Where is Papa? 

I look around the Lab, only to not find him, which was odd. He would usually be doing all his paperwork at his desk this late at night. Which, is honestly unhealthy. I'm starting to think Rainbow Assistance was right about him being a workaholic. 


Whatever that means- I never learned what it really means aside from being obsessed with working. 

(A/N: To be fair- I'm a bit too obsess with writing or drawing for animatics so much- Mostly cause I get bored too easily nowadays. Times has changed, hasn't it?)

Anyways- I kept wondering around, looking for papa, until I heard what seems like music, confused, I followed the sounds. After a little while, I found papa, sitting outside with his acoustic guitar. I was confused, I never heard or seen him play it before? I was about to asked him something, until I heard him sing, which was a surprised to know about now. 

"Message through realms, arrived to fulfill a tale. Gathering resources, only to followed a ghost of the past. Arriving in a new realm, to fulfill a false prophecy. Met friends, only to soon be foes. Time passes by like a river flow. Wishing upon the unlit eye, the eye that sees all. What will await me when my journey ends?" 

I watched silently, confused yet sad. 

What was papa singing about...? 

Why...Did it remind me of the tale papa used to tell me and my siblings, about his times in the kingdoms of all Steves? 


Is my papa okay or not?...I just hope papa is okay...I quietly run up to him and hugged from behind. "Don't be sad papa, we're all here." I quietly tell him, hugging him more. I felt him stiffen in surprised, but soon relax as I felt him pet my head. I leaned closer to the touch, utterly happy. 

"I know Zythen, I promise, I'll be alright..." I heard my papa say, I smiled a little and nuzzles closer, soon, I felt tired, so, I fell asleep...


"Poor child. He won't accept the fate that has been set for his father, now is he?"


Boredom is a thing that plagues me at times, times where I just consistently work to keep myself satisfied until I can figured out a way to get rid of the ideas I get. Which is for Role-Plays really. So yeah, I'm just doing a lot of progress on stories and such until than, probably expect more chapters I guess. 

Man, the views on these chapters are getting lower and lower.

Matter of time before people loses interest. :/ 

Well, I won't just- man, I should really do something to help increases the views, but oh well. I don't bother even trying anymore. I'll just write and wait and not care about the views anymore. So yeah, this is all for this chapter. :/

Back to writing a lot more and sacrificing my sanity, sleep and satisfied my boredom for awhile. 


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