Chapter 13 - Rainbow Assistant Thoughts

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Rainbow Assistant POV

Ever since I was created, I felt as though I had a more important role in my creator life. Sure, I was mad at him at first for tearing me a part and repairing me into a pickaxe.

But then, he had apologized to me apologizing for not knowing it would caused permanent damaged, he had originally thought it was reversable.

I was mad at him still at that time as I had watched him constantly work on trying to find a way to repair me back to my original state. However... As passes on, I begun to realized that, not once did he rest.

Not even to eat or sleep.

He constantly drank coffee every night, working to reverse my state.

I didn't understand why he would harm himself just for my sake?

I was, after all, still naive back then. I never realized just how much his own actions affects others, but more importantly, to him own self.

After I was brought back to our my original state, I immediately panicked when Assistant Steve had caught a unconscious Prof. Favre. There, Assistant Steve made sure that Prof. Favre gets enough sleep, food and what not. He had also explained to me everything about why he did what he did and his mental health.

I wasn't really all that prepared for what's ahead of me. So, I took Assistant Steve offer of being a Assistant, honestly, the whole Lab felt empty and lonely in a way. I wasn't sure how to properly put it really. It just felt so...sad in a way. However, over time, I grown to learned new things everyday. Assistant Steve taught me a lot of things to do and not do. Prof. Favre regularly talks to me and made sure I was doing fine and that there was hopefully no side affects to what had happened to me during my creations. 

Since I was created as a living being, but also not. I had to feed off of energy. Any kind of energy, strangely enough. 

Anyways, during my times in the lab, I had also learned the harsh history behind Prof. Favre. I couldn't even imagine all the pain, everything, that Prof. Favre had gone through. I just couldn't understand. 

Why did the leaders, aside from the Red Leader, did all that to him?

Prof. Favre trusted them all, yet, they betrayed that trust and exiled him from going near there kingdom. Just, why did they do that when they should have known how fragile Prof. Favre mind was at the time? Where they so naive? I wasn't sure. Assistant Steve said that what done is done, there's no changing the past without causing a butterfly affect or something. 

In the end, I just tried my best to make sure Prof. Favre eats, sleep and what not. 

Oh and also, I think Assistant Steve created a new assistant by accident with the Two guest I can never seem to remember the name of. Either way, we have Galaxy Assistant now, who is mostly in control of the more space and time sorta researched and stuff, same with Dimensions. Which is stuff I can't really wrapped my head around honestly. 

From there, things were alright...

Until something happened, Prof. Favre lost himself and stabbed his arm, since then, none of us wanted to leave him alone. We all were afraid that he would do something to harm himself again. 

It scared us all with what he tried to do to himself. None of us didn't know why he even did it or if he's even okay.


I never told them all yet, but lately, ever since my creation, I had been hearing the voices of the past heros. Especially the second and third hero. The first was just being a piece of sh-t honestly. Wouldn't shut up about seeing Prof. Favre in his most weakest state.

Although... I'm not sure why I have there voices in my head, but I left it up to the fact I was artificially created as a Rainbow Steve. With a strange energy Orb that no one would tell me much about. Which made me more curious!...


The good news,  Assistant Steve accidentally created three children's with Prof. Favre blood samples, another thing, they're biologically also his kids. Somehow.

Which I don't understand and I'm the one who's in charge of researching about life and such.

I'm glad those kids are here now, they improve Prof. Favre life so much more.

Even if, Prof. Favre is slowly dying....

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