Chapter 4 - What's so great about a forest?

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"Um. Logran, he's dead. You do know that right?" Kyven asked, confused by what Logran meant by him not being dead. Logran just rolled his eyes. "You don't get it. You said it was the forest near where the Ruins of the original Orange Village, right?" He asked, Kyven and the Red Apprentice nodded. "Where are you getting with this?" Red Apprentice questioned. 

Logran just smiled. 

"Well...You see. I heard great stories about him, but one thing stick out. The one and only thing that ever sticked out. Is if the body was Ever founded?" He said with a smile, the others was silent. 

The more they thought about it. The more they realized. Where Was the body? They know it can't be destroyed, unlike that of a Steve. Yet, where exactly is it? Was what Logran been saying is true though? Red Apprentice shakes his head. "Either way, you both should head home. It's getting late." He said, Logran and Kyven look at the cloak on the wall to see it was, in fact getting late. 

"SHOOT, YOUR RIGHT, DAD GONNA GROUND ME AGAIN IF I DON'T HURRY BACK HOME." Logran shouted in a panick and casually just ran out the house and teleport home. Leaving a dumbstruck Kyven and Red Apprentice. 

"Is he ok?"

"I don't know anymore Red Apprentice." 


The next day...

Logran and Kyven was exploring a forest, a specific one to be exact. The forest near the ruins of the original Orange Village.

"Hey, do you think we'll find the mysterious Hero?" One of them asked, the other shrugged. "Maybe! He's been gone for at least, sixteen years, who knows if he's even alive or not. They did say Minecraftian don't have a very long lifespan, unlike us Steve." They answered, the other shrugged. "Either way, maybe we can finally solve the case of the fallen hero disappearance!" Logran said excitedly, Kyven sighed. 

"How can you be so sure though?" Kyven asked, Logran shrugged. "I just am. Besides, if I'm right about what I said, than we'll be able to find them! Or at least a clue to there where about." Logran than said, only to tripped over something and fall. Getting up, he look at what he tripped over. Only to be startled. 

Kyven too, was startled. 



Zythen looks at the forest that surrounds the lab, which is his home and the clearing. Curious about the forest itself to say the least. His father would always say that the outside was unforgivable. He wasn't sure if that was even true. Although, he can understand why his father doesn't want him to leave the safe land that is there home. 

He was a hybrid of a Red Steve and a Phoenix. A Red Steve is known for there knowledge, where as the Phoenix is a mythical being. Both sought after, to say the least.

He didn't want to risk himself or his siblings safety. 

Zemiria is a hybrid of a Green Steve and a Elf. A being of the forest, yet a fairly strong user in magic and Healing magic. Zemiria was more of the passive type, healing magic is more of his strong suit anyways. 

Cylen is still a baby honestly, he rather keep him pure as much as possible. 

In the end. 

He just hope no one dangerous found his home, his family...

Wait. Why is there the sound of two girls screaming?



"WHAT DO WE DO?" A Scared Logran asked as he and Kyven ran through the forest. "I DON'T KNOW. YOUR THE ONE WHO TRIPPED OVER A FRICKEN LARGE WOLF OF ALL THINGS." 

Welp- Two idiots are going to be save by someone they least expected...


Logran and Kyven are inseparable idiots. 

Really dumb idiots. 


They can be consider as bros or something more. Idk. Y'all can vote on it. 


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