Chapter 2 - Who is The Third and Fourth Hero?

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"Kyven! Come on! You promise you'll come with me to explore the nearby mountain!" A young Orange Steve Shouted, seemingly upset. A red Steve, Kyven, came out of a building, carrying a simple bag, best for travelling. "I know I know, don't need to shout Logran." Kyven said, smacking him upside the head. 

Logran yelps, glaring at Kyzen. "Your a jerk, you know that Kyzen?" He said, Kyzen just shrugged. 

Oh, almost forgot. 

Kyven has cherry red hair that's soft as silk, bright pale red eyes, fair skin,  white cotton hoodie with fur outline the hood, a silky red shirt, black trousers, red and white shoes. He also have a simple brown traveling bag. 

As for Logran, he have bright pale orange hair, amber orange eyes, slightly dark skin, Bright orange cotton hoodie with fur outlines, a white scarf, black trousers and brown boots that goes up to his knees. 

Anyways, Kyven and Logran just talked as they head to the forest they both promise each other they would explore. Seeing as they always wondered what that forest was like since it's somewhat far from the Kingdoms after all. Either way, they both just talk about there day, until Ryven brought up something pretty interesting. "Hey, do you remember the story of the forth hero? The one that was supposedly dead after being exiled from all the kingdoms, or rather yet, everywhere around seventeen years ago?" Ryven brought up, Logran look at him confused.

"Of course I know, everyone in the whole Realm knows of it. Although, I think my home is the only one that throws a festival on for the whole week for it. Something about my dad feeling like he betrayed the third and fourth hero. Not sure why." Logran answered, Ryven hums in thoughts. 

"Well, I was wondering, why was he exiled?" Ryven asked, as they both arrived to the forest, Logran shrugged. "No clue honestly, you think it has something to do with the missing remains of the Rainbow crystals?" Logran asked, Ruben hums, thinking a out that. "Maybe..." He answered as the two teens explored the area around them. Looking around for anything of interest, but still be near one another.


After a long while, the two stopped exploring and just sit under a tree. Eating there Lunch as it just recently turned noon. After the two finished eating, they just sit there, relaxing. Until Logran broke the silence. "Hey, Kyven? What do you know about the third and fourth hero?" He asked, Kyven looks at him, confused. "A lot, why? Something about them bothers you or whatever?" He answered, curious. "You could say that. Cause, I did once saw a photo of all the leaders and a Steve and non Steve in the photo. It was weird." He answered, looking at his hands. Then at kyven who hums a little.

"Well, I don't know too much, but from the archives, apparently the third hero was a Orange Steve. As for the fourth hero? I think he was called a minecraftian." Kyven answered, with a thoughtful expression. Thinking about something now. 

"Actually, now I think about it, whenever I mentioned the fourth hero around Red Apprentice, he would always look really sad and immediately leave the room." Kyven then said, curious yet confused, Logran just hums a little. "To be honestly, whenever Kyzuri visit, he always had this sad look, the kind where you remember an old friend that no longer in the world, whenever the festivals for the Third and Fourth hero comes." Logran said, remembering that sad look he always had and never understood much about. 

"Your right, I did seen that kind of look on Red Apprentice, even with the Therapist, Tasuki, had the same look whenever the heros were ever mentioned. Do you think it's suspicious?" He asked, Logran nodded, agreeing with Kyven on his statement. "I agree, what do you think they hiding?" He than asked, Kyven shrugged as he takes out a book, only for a photo to suddenly fall out. "Huh? A photo? There wasn't one before." He questioned as he picked up the photo and looks at it, Logran leans over to see what's on the photo. 

There was two people in the photo. 

One person having Bright Orange hair that's somewhat messy and covered there left eye, amber orange eyes, fair skin, a pale orange unbutton shirt, a white shirt, dark brown trousers and grey combat boots. They were an Orange Steve.

Then there's another person, standing next to the Orange Steve, he have messy chocolate brown hair, a chicken hoodie, a chicken tail, a blind fold covering there eyes, fair skin, black trousers, white and yellow boots. 

On the back of the photo is "Brothers until the end of time." - Orange Steve & Sabre Zyth Favre


Kyven and Logran look at eachother, wondering if they just discovered something that would changed history. 


I decided to come back to updating today- 

Cuz I felt bad for not posting the other 4 chapters I got finished writing- 



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