Chapter 11 - Soul

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Prof. Favre wonders his own mindscape, his soul, he knows he was dying, yet, he wasn't sure how much time he had left now. He live for so long, yet so little. He finally had the joy of having his own childrens, but, he can't leave them behind. He simply refuses to, so, he does what anyone would do, keep surviving. 

He wanted to see Zythen grow to be a independent, yet, strong Phoenix and Red Steve. He wanted to see Zemeria to be a great healer. He wanted to see Cylen be a guardian angel to those in need. He just can't leave his three precious sons behind, not in a cruel world and it's unforgiving natures. 

With a sighed, he continues to wonder his own mind and soul, looking for a way to wake up. He knows what happened, well, he did certainly had a heart attack, that's for sure.

Quite painful of you asked him, he didn't even realized it until it was far too late.

He already had heard problems, so, this was just so much for worst to say the least.

He wasn't amused either.

"Goodness, you look worse for wear Prof. Favre."

Confused, he look to see where the voice came from, only to look dumbfounded. "A.G.... What are you doing here? I thought your unable to visit any moetal lands or any planes of existence for While?" He asked in both concerned and confused.

A. G, as they have been refer to, simply just sighed. It was of sadness and guilt.

"I am aware, as much as I live the mortal realm, I'm still trapped by the seal that was place upon me for actions I did not commit. I couldn't risk it when I had bear my child. You and I know, this would eventually come." They spoken, almost of riddles and almost seemingly cryptic.

"As much as I hate to say, your right. Although, surprises me that your magic and the father magic was enough for you to bear the child." He wondered, A. G did not look amuse by his answer. "As much as I would have like to smacked you, you're clearly dying. Due to your heart problems and the heart attack that came with it." They calmly say, with a hint of sympathy. Prof. Fwbre softly growled.

He didn't want sympathy.

"Prof. Favre, you important. Simply not because you are my oracle in the FMS, or should I say, FavreMySabre multi verses, you are also a father of three. You mustn't lose your chance to raise your children's, just as I had lost my chance to raise my son, all cause of my past." They softly tells him, with what seems to be a longing tone.

Prof. Favre was silent, he knows that they're right. He just knows, but one thing he could never understand.

Who was A. G child?

"You do know I ain't gonna tell you anything about my son, right?" They said with a unimpressed tone, Prof. Favre huff a little. "Doesn't hurt to at least know." He answered, They just stared blankly at him, Prof. Favre find there mask unnerving at times. 

They hum as they thought for a few moments. "Prof. Favre, your only alive now cause a certain child inherited an old, yet risky ability from me. You can already guess who the child is by this clue and who I am to them as well." They tell him, at first, Prof. Favre was confused, until he pale slightly. Realizing what the child had done and who the child was. 

Kyven was the son of A.G. 

"So....Do I get to beat up Red Leader?" He asked, quite calmly at that, A.G Stared at him, as if telling no. "Fine, I won't, but can I still at least lectured him?" Yet again, another stare. "FINE! Can I at least teach the kid chaos?" 


"Actually, yeah, you could, can you also get him to admit he likes his best friend?" 


"Heck Yeah- I am so gonna have fun with this AFTER, all this is over or if I even managed to actually live. Cause, knowing me, I have heart problems and is so much more prone to death now." Prof. Favre casually say, A.G just huffed and smacked Prof. Favre with a stick. "Your too easily accepting of death, what caused that hm?" They wondered, Prof. Favre just shrugged. 

As much as he didn't want to, he had live far too long, longer than one would expect a player to live. 


He wasn't a player.

He was a Demi-God and a Chicken hyrbid. 

"Let say, I am similar to you, yet not. I am a Demi-God and a chicken hyrbid." He answered softly, A.G was silently, not expecting to hear such a thing. "Your like me huh? A being that's not quite mortal, living amongs the players and doing what we could to survive the harsh reality." They asked, Prof. Favre nodded. "Yep, well, I guess I should wake up, everything seems to be fading anyways. We can talk again another day." He then said, A.G nodded and vanished, leaving Prof. Favre mindscape.

Prof. Favre just smiled, vanishing as well, having to wake up. 


The first thing Prof. Favre saw after waking up is the darken room, the only light being that of the Moonlight that filtered through from the window. He can feel a bit of weight on him, slightly confused, he look, only to smile softly at the sight. 

His youngest son, Cylen was sleeping on him, to Prof.Favre, it had made him remember the day he and his two brothers was, well, created, at that time, Cylen was just a new born baby. Now, he's just a toddler, well, in a way. He's actually quite younger, he's actually around a year and a half. 

Well, due to how small he seems, he was born prematurely as well, assistance wouldn't stopped apologizing for weeks during that time. 

And of course...

None of them knew how to raised children's, so, Prof. Favre mostly struggled then the others, until, his chicken traits came up and he, well, gotten better at raising the three childrens. 

Well, at least they all know that Prof. Favre is a overprotective motherly hen at least. Which was a interesting sight. With a smile, Prof. Favre held Cylen closely and kissed the top of his forehead, as weak as he is in his conditioned, he still cares for his childrens. Although, he still can't help, but spoiled the childrens a little, just a little. 

With a quiet sighed he looks around, noticing Kyven sleeping form on the nearby bed, like him, he was connected to some life support machines, but not as much as himself. He had a lot more seeing as he's at risk of dying, where as Kyven looks as though he was exhausted beyond his looks. 

Seeing as Prof. Favre is slightly aware that he has a breathing mask. He wonders how long he had been asleep for, but he would get his answers later. For now, he should sleep. 

And sleep, is what he get, keeping his youngest son closely. 



I am writing all this while in classes and totally multi-tasking and I do not give a damn about it lmao- 

I had been stressed for the past week, lemme have my time doing something else unrelated to school, anyways, hope y'all like this, see ya in the next chapter. 


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