Chapter 10 - Mother?

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Kyven slowly woke up, feeling more tired than normal, he sit up, even though he didn't want to get up from the comfortable grass he was laying on- 

Wait- Grass?

Confused, Kyven look around, confused to find himself in a forest of some sort and in a small clearing in the said forest. To say the least, he was really confused on where he even was. Last he had remembered, he passed out from doing something. He wasn't sure what that something was, but it likely had something to do with Prof. Favre. 

Confused and worried, he stood up and explored at the area. 


Kyven sighed as he couldn't find much in this forest, aside from mostly Blue Orchids and White lily's....Strangely enough, he wasn't sure why there was so many in this forest. However, at the same time, he felt as though this whole forest wasn't what it seems to be. Almost as if, it was truly enchanted in some ways. 

With a sighed, he just sit down and look at the flowers before him, he can't help, but feel as though they were familiar in a way. He wasn't sure why, but it does. 

Kyven froze for a moment, remembering something his father had once told him.

How Blue Orchids and White lilies had always been his mother favorite flowers. 

With this realizations, Kyven felt the air shifted around him, gathering his bearings, he look around once again, only to see a pathway to a larger clearing. Cautious, he goes down the path, to see someone. He couldn't tell who it was in the clearing, but he can't but feel as though they were really familiar to him. 

So, he walked over to the figure, confused and lost with his thoughts. 

"Dear child. I do not expect you to be here so soon...Hm, you used the gift- No, my abilities did you not?" The figure asked, Kyven can only stared in confusion as he doesn't know what he had done. 

He simply just didn't know what it was he had done...

The figured simply just sighed, gently petting Kyven head, said child leans into the touch. Going to just simply sitting next to the figure and lean on them. Feeling safe for some reason. The figure simply sighed. "As much as I would have like for you to stay here, Kyven, your father still needs you, the others needs you as well." They softly tells him. 

Kyven sighed, hugging himself. "I don't think I could help them though..." He softly answered, the figured hums, gently petting there head as they gently moved there bangs out of there face. "Well, I know you could help them. You certainly act like me when I do not know what to do. However, your as smart as your father. Even then, I know you can do something to save them. Even if, you kinda did something I was hoping you wouldn't do." They answered with a thoughtful look. 

However, Kyven simply just looks confused. Looking at the figure, not being able to see much due to the sunlight. 

"...Who are you really?" He asked, the figure simply just chuckled. "Who I am is not important. However, don't let the answer confused you, you are your own person. Not your father or me. You are yourself, you can be whoever you build yourself to be. Although, you do take up after me in terms of personality if anything." They simply answer with a bit of laughter. 

Kyven was silent, trying to figured out what they meant and why he always felt safe around them. Also conflicted by what they were told. He was just unsure what to say anymore, or rather yet, he was unsure what to say in such a matter. 

He wonders if his cr- Logran fully recovered. 

Wondered if his father was worried. 

Wondered if the assistance- Or rather yet, M, as he likes to be called, was okay with his new responsibility coming soon. 

He also wonders, what his mother think of him now...

"Don't worry about your mother. I am sure she is watching you now. However, you have a little crush on your best friend, Logran?" The figure wondered, Kyven immediately sit up, having a flustered expression and stared at the figure amused look. 

"What? Can't I wondered? Anyways, you should returned to the mortal realm, your still needed back home, aren't you?" The figure said, looking at Kyven with a soft smile. 

Before Kyven can even question them, they suddenly felt tired, however, they realized something. "...Mother?" Was all they could muttered, before succumbing to slumber. Missing the smile that the figure gave.


Kyven groan a little as he opens his eyes, using his hand to blocked it out, confused and disoriented, he looks around, only to find himself, on a bed next to a sleeping Prof. Favre and Logran, both sleeping on a chair. 

Kyven was confused, disoriented and conflicted. 

What happened?



This chapter is interesting, is it not? Anyways, this is all for this chapter. See y'all in the next chapter and I'mma go enjoy my cold & lonely sunday- 


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