Chapter 6 - Unexpected Rescue

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Zythen was worried when he heard the scream, torn between disobeying his father by going out there on his own, he decided that he wasn't old enough to save them, so he immediately ran back into the lab and called out for his father. Sure enough, his father, Prof. Favre, quickly run to him and asked him what is wrong. 

He explained to his father that he had heard two screams nearby in the forest. 

Concerned and surprised, Prof. Favre told Zythen to get the others and warned them that they may have visitors soon. Once Prof, Favre save them. 

Zythen nodded and immediately run off to tell the others. However, Prof. Favre quickly left the lab and into the forest, wondering who was stupid enough, or actually, unlucky enough to go here. Whichever one it is, the travelers seems naive to venture this far out. With a sigh, Prof. Favre quickly searched for the two people that had screamed earlier, from what Zythen had told him. 

After awhile of looking around, he heard two people screamed like girls, worried, he quickly goes to the general direction of the screams. 

By the time he gotten there, he saw a young Red Steve and a Young Orange Steve cornered by a large wolf, the size of a large boulder really. Without a thought, Prof. Favre immediately took out his bow and shot the large wolf with a potion tipped arrow. It was merely meant to knocked out the target. 

Unfortunately, this was never an ordinary wolf, the single arrow didn't do much, resisting the affects of the potion itself. 

With a growl, Prof. Favre put the bow away and summoned there sword, an odd custom made netherite sword, at first, it was silent. 

Until the wolf lunged at Prof. Favre who side rolled out of the away and blocked the wolf second attacked, taking this chance to advert the attack and immediately kicked the wolf in the side, which caused the wolf to be knocked back a few blocks away. 

Prof. Favre took this advantaged to attacked, getting a few hits before the Wolf lunged at him, knocking Prof. Favre to the ground, but still blocking the attack from the wolf. With all his strength, he kicked the wolf off him, than immediately get up. He watched as the wolf stood up again, growling in anger. Before the wolf can do anything else, lightning struck in front of it. Causing it to recoil in surprised, than deciding it was enough and run else where. 

With a content sighed, he look at the two steves from earlier. 

To say the least, they weren't doing so well for someone so young. 

The red steve seems to have some bruises and a broken arm, whereas his friend, the orange steve, seems to have some head injury and a large bleeding gash on his arm. "You both really need some medical help." Prof, Favre muttered, walking to them after he put his sword in his inventory. However, he was startled when the orange steve suddenly passed out, Prof. favre was quick to act and immediately caught him. 

Somewhat panicked, Prof. Favre picked up the unconscious and told the Red Steve to quickly followed him. The Red Steve complied and immediately followed after Prof. Favre who rushed back to the lab. 


By the time they gotten there, Prof. Favre immediately went to the medical room, while the kids and Rainbow Assistance do there best to comfort the young Red Steve. While Prof. Favre and Assistance Steve work to help the poor Orange steve. 

Kyven, the Red Steve, just hopes his best friend, Logran, the Orange Steve would be alright...

Even if, this journey to find Prof. Favre was reckless, he just can't help, but what if there is something more to the whole thing than meets the eye. 


I feel like making Kyven and Logran be inseparable best friends, with Prof. Favre starting to get grey hair cuz of the stress of everything that happens around him. 

Oh well, at least this is something. Quite unexpected is it not? 

Anyways, this is all for this chapter. See ya in the next chapter!


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