Chapter 9 - Will he survive?

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It was morning, when the Rainbow Assistance exit the room that held the now stable and sleeping Prof. Favre, he sighed as he look over at the young Red Steve. He can't help, but feel as though his aura was familiar in a way. For now, he picked up the child and take him to where his recovering friend stays in. Once he put him there and made sure he was comfortable, he went off to wake up the childrens. 

Tell them the news of there father condition wouldn't be the best idea, but they deserve to at least know what is going on. Otherwise, they will experience more heartbreak in the end. He didn't want them to experience such a thing at such a young age. Especially Cylen, who is only still a infant. Rainbow Assistance was glad that the other childrens knew what to do and what his needs are. 

Especially since the young infant likes to wake up late in the night. Wanting there father love. 

Something, he may not get anymore with there father conditioning worsening...

With a shake of his head, he wakes up the twins, telling them of the news, he expected the reaction they gave. 

Zythen refusing to believe his father is possibly dying and Zemeria refusing to lose his father, they both held onto the Rainbow Assistance, crying as much as they could, not wanting to believe the news they had both heard. Due to the sound of there crying, it had waken poor Cylen of his sleep, Rainbow Assistance was careful to pick him up and held him closely. 

As if sensing everyone distress, he too cried with all his might. He too doesn't want to lose his father, even at such a very young age. Rainbow Assistance does his best to comfort them all, holding them all closely. 

Rainbow Assistance is there God Father, he would do anything to keep them all happy and to make sure they would still have there father...

Rainbow Assistance, decided then and there, he would promise to try and keep there little family happy as much as he's able to do...


I slowly woke up, feeling as though someone was hugging me, a bit tightly though, I look over my shoulders to see it was just Logran that was hugging me. I softly smile, I can tell he was sleeping peacefully, however, I was unsure how I managed to get on the same bed as him. As embarrassing as it sounds, it felt nice.

I wasn't sure why, but it felt nice to be held by Logran sometimes. 

With a quiet sighed, I slip out of his grip and stood up, I know he's recovering well as most of his injuries are healed and the bandages are gone. What never left my mind though, is that Prof. Favre is potentially dying, he didn't want that happening. 

He had so much left to do and he has a family that he can't simply just leave behind. I wanted to try and help him, but I wasn't sure what I should even do to help. 

Until I felt a warm feeling washed over me, I was confused, but I felt safe, it was familiar, but I wasn't sure why it felt so familiar to me. It just, felt right to me. 

Hm, I should go see Prof. Favre, I have a feeling I should go see him, Not sure why, but I should. Maybe I can figure out more about what is happening to him and try and help him as much as I can, even if I can't, I need to at least try and figure something out.

Even if it's temporary. 

As embarrassing as it would be, I gently kissed Logran forehead and left the room. 


Once I had gotten to Prof. Favre room, I held back a gasp of surprised. There, on the bed is Prof. Favre, without his coat and glasses, he looks pale as white, looking as though he had just barely survived what just happened to him. I wasn't sure why he was even there to begin with, but still, I wanted to help him. Even if it means I don't truly understand what is happening. 

I felt the same familiar warmth from just earlier when I had woken up. 

I felt it tell me something, telling me to go near Prof. Favre, So I did, I walked over and stood next to the sleeping man. I wasn't sure, but the voices and feeling told me to hover my hand over him, so I did. 

There, a wave of light engulf both myself and the Professor. 

When it was over, I felt suddenly dizzy and nauseous, as well as tired. I wasn't sure what had happened next, but I could barely see what looks to be Assistance Steve gently shaking me, he looks as though he was trying to tell me something. 

But I didn't know what, until....

Everything went dark. 


Whatever did the child do to Prof. Favre and himself? Guess we'll find out in the next chapter.


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