Chapter 16 - Worries?

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Orange Leader also known as Ky'ten was concerned. He doesn't know where his son had disappeared to, all he knows was that he and his friend? Lover? He wasn't sure what his son feelings for his friend is to be honest. He just know that they both went off exploring a forest and that it. 

That was a week ago. 

Now, he was missing, same with Red Leader son, Kyven. He and the rest of the leaders didn't know what to do at the time, they all were panicked and worried. This type of incident haven't happened in years! Well, the last time there ever was huge conflict was...

After Sabre death...

Ky'ten sighed in defeat as he sit down at his desk. Looking at the photo of him and his son when he was a child. Then look at another photo of him and everyone, everyone when it was still somewhat peaceful. Before the battles and all that. 

Before Sabre Death. 

Sometimes, he just wished things didn't have to end how they did. 

He just wished he haven't betrayed him all those years ago, same with the rest of the leaders. 

"Sir? The Other leaders want to conduct a meeting in a few hours." Happy told the Leader, who was in terms, confused. "A meeting? Where?" He asked, Happy shrugged. "I think light said it would be at the rainbow capital, but he's not really sure himself. Apparently Violet Leader is the one who called for a meeting." He answered with a slight huff. 

Ky'ten was confused, he wasn't sure why the Violet leader of all leaders would called for a meeting. At the Rainbow Capital no less! It must be important that he would need to called for a meeting. Maybe it has something to do with Logran and Kyven sudden disappearance? He wasn't sure. 

Well, he hopes it's nothing to dangerous. Not like there's a leader missing, right?



M Winced a little from all the leaders shouting in utter shocked. "I mean it, he really did vanished without a trace. Same with Professor Red. I don't know where they're at either to be truthful." M answered, looking at them all with a serious yet concerned look. Ky'ten sighed, he knew his day wouldn't end well if he was being honest with himself. 

"On top of two childrens missing, two important people are also missing. Isn't that just great." Green Leader, Ventus, said with a upset sarcastic tone. Blue leader, Atlas, was worried though. 

For some reason. 

"Wait- Guys? Wouldn't I be in danger as well?" Violet Leader, Olen said, everyone was confused, they weren't exactly sure what he meant by that. Olen huffed in a bit of annoyance. 

"Guys. I'm expecting- No, not in the way that players would, but more like the magical kind." 

. . . 



Red leader shudders. "Anyone else getting the feeling that something just happened?" He asked, looking at the others. Who all shrugged, not knowing. "Maybe the leaders found out you guys are missing when ya actually here." Rainbow Assistant said with a sarcastic tone. 

Red leader and Prof. red look at each other, then at Rainbow Assistant. 

"I mean, we never told them that we left anyways, so, wouldn't be all that surprised if they all did panicked." 


"You guys are smart and all, but some times, you guys can be really dumb at times." Rainbow Assistant commented with a deadpanned look. Red leader and prof. red just shrugged. "It comes with being who we are I guess, then again, this chapter makes no sense."

Prof. red and Rainbow Assistant stared at Red Leader with utter confusion. 

"What? I can't help it okay, besides, we need to also kinda figured out what to do now, Galaxy Assistant is coming very soon-" Rainbow Assistant immediately left the room, leaving two dumbstruck red steves looking confused. 

"Did he just?-"

"He did."

"Is he in denial about his love for him?" 


"Should we leave it be?"


"Can we end this chapter?"

"What the heck is that supposed to mean?" 

"Nothing to important- hey wait, where's the childrens? Last I check, they were playing with Logran, something about pranks- Oh no."



Somewhat shorter chapter cause why not? Anyways, this is all for this chapter and maybe for awhile, got burned out from writing so much for the past few days I guess. See ya another time. 


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