Chapter 3 - Searching for an answer

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Ryven and Logran made a silent agreement and stands up, getting there stuff back in there bag and head to one place that can most likely give them a better answer.

Red Apprentice home.

Without a need to say anything, the two immediately went there. Although, what answers they would get, won't be easy as it would seem.


By the time the two gotten to the Red Apprentice home, it was already the middle of the afternoon. So Logran knocked on the door, waiting for Red Apprentice to open the door. After a few minutes has passed by, Red Apprentice opens the door, mildly confused by sudden appearance.


Red apprentice have bright red hair, pale grey turtle neck sweater, black trousers, grey shoes, a dark brown old styles cloak and a old worn out blind fold, tied to his wrist. Kyven questions why he never noticed that. "Hey Red Apprentice? What's up with the blindfold??" He asked, Red Apprentice was taken off guard by the question, than sighed. "Just, come in, I'll answers some questions you both have. Since, well, you both are a bit of a history nerds."

Kyven groans. "Logran the nerd, I'm not." Logran just shrugged and casually walked inside, Red Apprentice rolled his eyes. "Right. He is, are you sure your not secretly a nerd to?" He asked, Kyven nodded. "Of course, that idiot needs someone to make sure he doesn't recklessly do something stupid." He answered as he goes inside the house. Red Apprentice just sighed, knowing he would just keep denying the truth.

Anyways, Red Apprentice went into his home and sit down on the couch, across from Kyven and Logran.

"So, what do you both want to know?" He than asked, taking his cup of tea and drinks it again, as he was doing so before the two kids came over.

Kyven and Logran look at each other, than at Red Apprentice, Kyven than shows him the photo he had found with Logran. "We want to know more about these two." He asked, Red Apprentice looks confused, than looks at the photo, only to spit out his tea.


Kyven and Logran was startled by his answered, but they told them where they had found the photo. After explaining and Red Apprentice had calm down, he sighed as he looks at the photo. "I know these two, well, at least, Sabre. I don't know much about Orange Steve, unlike the other leaders, specifically, Indigo Leader and Orange Leader. However, I can say however is that they both are indeed dead. As much as I hate to admit it..." He answered solemnly, Kyven frowns.

"What happened to them both?" He asked, Red Apprentice was silent for a moment, than sighed.

"Seventeen years ago, Sabre, the fourth hero and Orange Steve, the third hero, was inseparable friends, later to be considered brothers. Orange Steve had a little adopted brother, Gerald, he was unique, he was a Pig hybrid. Anyways, later learned that Orange Steve wasn't a Steve, but was a pure Orange Crystal as a physical form."

"The Orange Crystal?! For real! Dad used to tell me how it was always something that every leader had!" Logran shouted in surprised, not believing that fact.

Red Apprentice nodded. "Kyven, your father didn't kept the Red Crystal, he left it with a Red steve to make it all believe that the Red Steves are extinct, however, Sabre, was able to find us cause of me, which is honestly a good thing cause living in isolation is annoying now." He said, Kyven chuckles at that. "I can see why you would hate it, I'm legit the polar opposite to my father anyways. Much to his annoyance, hehe. I like defying all his words." Kyven commented with a chuckle.

"Anyways, since than. A new threat came along after the darkness was over. Time skip to a specific point- Sabre had no choice but to bring back the darkness in order to stopped the new threat, as a result. He sacrifice Everything. His Happiness. Friends trust. Everyone trust. His emotions. Everything. No one gave him a chance anymore, except me and a certain crazy scientist. Although...In the end, he did stopped them. With a price...He's no longer with us..."

The three was silent, just silent.

They didn't know what to say now, the two didn't know what to say about the information they had just learned. They felt bad to say the least-

"Did they found the body?" Logran asked, somewhat confused. "No, why?-" Red Apprentice sentence was cut off. "Cause, we don't truly know if he's Actually dead until the body or any remains is found. Where was he last seen?" Logran again asked, Kyven and Red Apprentice was confused. "The Forest near the ruins of the Original Orange Village and near the mountains there. Why?" Red Apprentice questioned, Logran smiled.

"I don't think he's dead."

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