Chapter 8 - News left not knowing...

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Red Leader stared out at the window, looking at the star filled night. He can't help but feel as though his son, Kyzen had went off to try and discovered the past. As to why? Well, it was inevitable. The past has to eventually be brought up. There's no longer any reason for him to deny such thing anymore. Not when he knows that Prof. Favre time has been set. 

He and Prof. Red knew, eventually that Prof. Favre would have to eventually die. Neither knew when or why. They just know, that every story, has there final chapter in a book. Prof. Favre story is no different than anyone else. All he hopes, is that he get to be with his childrens as much as he could before the time would come when his story would end. 

But, when the time does come and his childrens are too young to truly comprehend what had happened to there father, he can only hope that they would stay strong, for there father sake. 


He just hopes his son doesn't do something stupid, same with his friend, He can't help but feel as though they're acting a bit too reckless for there own good. Honestly, he can't stopped them from just being themselves. They're still quite young after all. 

Red Leader smiled as he remembers all the little pranks they would always do whenever they visit any of the kingdoms or to messed with him for a little while. He than sighed as he went to clean up the stacks of books he had left. From his time researching whatever he can to try and prevent Prof. Favre death. 

Even though he hates him, he still didn't wish for him to have a terrible fate. 

He knows of his past. He knows a lot really. 

Red Leader knows that Professor FavreMySabre is the oracle of history. Watching every story made around his name. 

With a heavy Sighed, Red Leader finished cleaning up the mess he had left before accidentally dropping a book. Confused, he picked up the book, having not remembering seeing such a book before. Then, he recognized that the book was written in Standard Galactic. Even more confused, he reads the book. 

Only to pale considerably.


Prof. Favre carried his sleeping son to his room and made sure he was quite comfortable and that his wings wouldn't be stiff when he wakes up. With a gentle smile, he kissed his fore head, then made sure his other sons are also sleeping comfortably, than kissing there forehead as well. Once he was sure they were fine, he left there room and went off to make sure his guests were doing alright. 


He felt a shot of excruciating pain in his chest, feeling as though he could just barely breath, nor see with blurry sights. He collapse. Not hearing the panic footsteps going towards him. 


Kyven slowly woke up, remembering the events from the whole day, he softly sighed as he sit up, pulling off the blanket that was on him and left it on the couch he was on. From there, he decided to explore for a little while, just to think as well. 

Found the two assistances and talk to them for a little while, then went back to wondering again, after telling them of his reasoning for being awake at such a late time. Suddenly, he got worried when he heard what sounded like a pain sound, worried and confused, he immediately went to see what it was. Only to panicked even more when he saw Prof. Favre seemingly in pain. Without a second thought, he immediately ran to him. 

Just as he got to him though, Prof. Favre collapse, looking as though he couldn't breathe. Panic and wasn't sure what to do, Kyzen managed to get him on his back and run to where the assistances are at, by the time he got there, he was already out of breath and panic. 

Assistance Steve look alarmed and the Rainbow Assistance paled greatly. The two immediately take Prof. Favre and do what they can too save him, but also getting Kyvevn to leave the room immediately. 

With a sighed, Kyven leaned on the wall and sit down, thinking about what could have happen had he not found him in time. He shudder at the mere thought that comes with it, all he hopes, is that he would be alright. He has three sons to look after, after all.

He can't just leave them...Like his mother had...



This chapter has been interesting, hope you all saw all the hints I've been dropping regarding one of the characters in this book, but anyways, this is all for this chapter. I mean, this has been about Red Leader, Prof. Favre and Kyven. Wonder what could happen next?

Do y'all think that Prof. Favre would survive? 

Perhaps, he will. 


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