04: Soul mate

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Home-World's Space Center:

The space center is bombarded with scientists, engineers, and astronomers thus their mission is to find Azriella. So many of those elementorians are full of anxiety because the searching was taking too long, they were also afraid of what will the king do to them if they don't find his daughter
(e/n: you can tell that, by reading this, they were all panicking)

They were running left and right, radar to radar, but they didn't have a clue to where the princess has ran off. Suddenly, two women came in, the staff was totally about to faint; Those two women were obviously their bosses: General Medulla Oblongata and, her daughter, lieutenant Narema.

-"Hello, gentlemen, said the general, has anybody received any result of the localisation? We should all know that this mission is primordial to the kingdom espeacially to our king."

-"Unfortunately, general, we searched all over Home-World but we couldn't find anythi-"

Narema interrupted the astronomer by slaming her desk with her fist in so much anger that it almost broke

-"UGH! How can this be?! It's impossible that she just disapeared out of nowhere like that!"

-"Narema Oblongata, calm down immediately!"

-"...Sorry, General..."

-"*sigh* Anyway, was there any escape pods that have been ejected recently? I need the reseults ASAP"

A silent pause came in, the staff hasn't thought of the escape pods. They then swarmed all over the lab just like bees. They searched on their computers, one of them rushed to the air force center to check if their were to be any escape pods that were expulsed. Nobody noticed that there was an escape pod missing until, fortunately, a scientist in charge of the spacecraft has confirmed of the disapearence but it didn't disapear just like that, said the witness, it was STOLEN and she was a victim of an attack. An officer who accompanied the scientist asked what has happened.

-"It happened on the night of monday. I was doing a night shift; as I finished, i was walking down the hallway near the escape room and I saw a figure that was carrying the princess and she seemed unconscious."

-"Wait wait wait, hold up..." said the officer who has accompanied the researcher, "Did you say princess?"

-"This must be a sign, mister officer" said the researcher, "Was it really Princess Azriella?"

-"Yes, it seemed like it", she continued. "I didn't see who was carrying her, all I know is that they had long red hair and they were wearing black clothes. Honestly, the figure seemed to be a fire elementorian since they mostly have red-like hair. Anyways, she was carrying the princess to the escape pod but then she saw me and attacked me, I think she hit me in the back of my neck so hard that I became unconcious instantly."

-"Hmm... That's definitely odd..." concluded the researcher, "I don't know why would they steal the princess, though..."

-"What do you think, smarty-pants?
(e/n: pfft... "smarty-pants") IT'S FOR FINANCIAL BENIFITS, bro. That's like the MAIN REASON for stealing things/beings that are very valuable and priceless."

-"Maybe, sir... But like,... what if there was another reason, hmm?"

-"Oh. You're probably right... Welp, whatever is the reason, we have to tell the general about it. Let's go."

-"No, hold your horses! Can you give us the ID code of the pod?"

-"Sure thing! Let me check..." she said while checking on her tablet. "Err... it is EPod 014."

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