12: Sandals Kill Cockroaches

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(Xophrat)Hermes' POV:

What a hell of a beating I got! I don't even know how Hermes can handle a bitch like her, not to mention that she's a fucking Alpha Protector!

Slowly, after waking up from a blackout, I noticed that I was restrained by metal poles that almost took all of my strength to break. I also noticed, as I got out of the room, that a few guards were laying dead on the hallway's floor to the ships emergency exit, resulting the hostages' escape. Thankfully, those guards weren't real elementorians so they could easily be replaced.

The one who was a real elementorian, though, was Hermes' father. That useless old man claimed to be strong enough to defeat an Alpha protector with his own two hands, yet, here he lies, dead because of a woman, with a pool of blood scattering around his head where he was hit hard.

"What a pathetic showoff..." was what I muttered as I was making my way to the control center of the ship. A guard noticed my presence, announcing that the princess and the rest of her putrid family unfortunately escaped.

I told them that all we have to do is to find them in Mitropolì, since that's where we firstly caught them.

"I know they could've gone anywhere but, seeing there disgusting good nature to care for their people, there's a high chance they went back..." I sighed "Home-World's people are just a bunch of stupid hard-headed dumbasses who lack of beating and punishment... Just who do they think they are?"

A guard suggested that we prepare our weapons for our arrival back in Mitropolì because it is definite that Home-World will be led to war. 

I took a moment to think. They're right. At this point, we have no choice to enter the war in order for the Order (no pun intended) of Chaos to thrive all over the galaxy itself.

I suddenly giggled to myself like a maniac at the thought of it. I felt confident, perhaps a little too cocky, at that idea of going to war against Home-World.

"Oh, please!" I exclaimed "It would take only a few minutes to defeat them. We've eliminated a big majority of the population and no need for that statistical shit to prove that they're basically outnumbered, which is an advantage! You'll see... It'll be as easy as killing a cockroach with one single sandal."

With that last sentence I let out, I sent the guards to create enough clones for battle and to prepare the weapons and ammunitions.

I looked out of the window, smiling to nobody in particular and sighed.

"I know you've been longing for this, Great Father of Chaos (King Kronos), we will finally accomplish your mission. Soon, The Order of Chaos shall be respected and feared upon those useless maggots and they will knowledge your power..."

"It'll be as easy as killing a cockroach with one single sandal."

Hi, there! I'm sorry if this chapter is short but I personally feel like there's no need for further explanation of the shit that's about to go down for the next three chapters. Nonetheless, If you enjoyed it, make sure to leave a vote and your opinion in the comments!

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