Author's note

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Heya, there! Ok so I know I don't update that much and I'm sorry. The reason why I took long breaks was because of two things:

1. I wanted to take some time to take care of myself mentally and emotionally. As you probably don't know (and probably don't care), I suffer from two mental illnesses: ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and Depression and it has taken a tol on  my motivation to write, especially with my ADD. I start the day with wanting to write but then I end up doing literally everything else while eventually forgeting what the first thing I wanted to do was and it's really frustrating at times.
I'm also trying to move on from bad things that happended back when I was still in middle school (I graduated to high school btw *throws confetti in the air*) which made my depression go on a bad level (as in: it made me into a short tempered person who spits at everyone who offended them in any way possible) I'm quite ashamed of that side of me but hey I'm trying to get better. I did decide to stop using antidepressant pills and to rely on eating some vitamins, especially the foods that contain them (I heard that Vitamin D is a mood booster) and I have to say that I am starting to feel a little better each day. I'm still working on it but, as they always say, trust the process :)

2. I was brainstorming ideas for this book. It was hard to find them and I didn't want to put pointless stuff into the main plot because I feel like it's going make the story too long and too slow (which I don't like) and it might bore you, the reader. Also by the looks of the amount of reads this book has, I feel like I should end this book early. DON'T WORRY THOUGH! This doesn't mean I will discontinue. I've been thinking of ending the main story after a minimum of 5 chapters, not more than 10. It's because I'm lazy and I'm running out of ideas that I'm rushing to the end. I'm also editing all the chapters of this book from the prologue and first chapter to the recent ones.
I'm thinking of writing a side story of the book and it'll focus on the side characters: Narema and Bethany. I don't think I will do it until the main story is over because it'll make my brain overload but idk we'll find out.

Just to clarify; I don't write for reads or votes, I write to get things out of my system. But if you have read this book until here and have been patient with the updates, thanks a lot I really appreciate it. I know it isn't a lot but I'm thankful for all the 100+ readers who gave this wattpad book a shot. I'm new at this writing thing but I'm giving my absolute all to entertain y'all. *virtual hug*.

I shall now end this author's note in the words of Queen B:

Love you deep! ❤

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