★: Home-World

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Azriella's POV:

You might be wondering what is "Home-World Galaxy" and what does it contain. Well, you're in luck because somebody that is from there is going to tell you all about it and that person is ME. Let's get started!

•The Home-World Galaxy is normally composed of 7 elemental planets thus the main ones are: Fire, water, earth, air and ice. The other 2 planets are: Electricity, Darkness ; they are what we call "Barrier Planets".
The 8th planet, on the other hand, is not quite considered an elemental planet or a planet at all either
In fact, it's kinda like the central city of Home-World, the bowl of rice surrounded by plates of side-dishes
(e/n: that's what I imagine lol) Anyway, the name of this central city is "Mitropolì" ; it means "Metropolis" in Greek

•Home-World made it no secret that it is a multi faceted galaxy, rooted in traditions with limitless features where everyone is welcome. All 8 planets have their own traditions, the elemental planets preach different (Greek) gods like Poseidon, Zeus, Athena, Hermes, etc. This doesn't actually mean that you have to preach any if these gods; like I said before, everyone is welcome and shouldn't be judged by their religion or things like that. (e/n: and that is on religious freedom)
There is one Home-World tradition that I really love: On the night of the first Yellow Moon of the year, we stay awake until the rise of the Crystal Star and do a big feast and dance happily while we float (editor's note: kinda like New Year's eve but 0% gravity). In all about this time of the year, there is a jinx that if you confess to someone when the clock strikes midnight, there is a high chance that they will agree and spend the rest of their lives with you, it is true because it worked for my parents, Queen Blue-Diamond and King Apollon V, confessed to each other while they were rowing a boat down a lake and it worked.

 In all about this time of the year, there is a jinx that if you confess to someone when the clock strikes midnight, there is a high chance that they will agree and spend the rest of their lives with you, it is true because it worked for my parent...

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(e/n: it's just a concept photo)

•Home-World, sadly, has a dark history. It concerned many conflicts of dependencies, racism, sexism and more; it has caused a lot of damage to the planets and many lives were lost. Indeed, Home-World was ruled by King Kronos (who is to me one of the biggest jerks ever) and because of his corrupted mindset and selfish acts, back then, Home-World was in complete CHAOS, until Apollon I got the courage to defeat Kronos and clean this mess. This was the last time there ever was a war, it's what we call "The Fall of Kronos"
*/sniff/* My great(4x) grandfather is so cool (*'︶'*)

• The people there really look different, unlike on earth, and I am talking about skin and hair color ; it's diversity.

There are also many types of elemental powers (I won't mention them because it's concerned about which planet you are from). An elementorian that doesn't have any of those powers is considered as a NEUTRAL (of course) but can also choose their elemental power, they can even learn to master more than one.

There's a prophecy, an old prophet has once told, that if an elementorian has all elemental powers, they can win wars and defeat every "Xophrats" existing. Xophrats are space abomination monsters, they are considered as Home-World's most dangerous mobs created by Planet Darkness (it was created by "accident" apparently. I unfortunately don't know what happened). Those elementorians are called " The Alpha Protectors".
Now, because of the Fall of Kronos, those alpha protectors disapeared; Yet, the prophet has predicted that there is a chance that the alpha protectors are among our presence thus only the Goddess Cephus can tell who it is ( She's the Goddess of the South Hemisphere {e/n: it concerns the zodiac signs of the south hemisphere})

Now, because of the Fall of Kronos, those alpha protectors disapeared; Yet, the prophet has predicted that there is a chance that the alpha protectors are among our presence thus only the Goddess Cephus can tell who it is ( She's the Goddess of th...

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(e/n: once again., it's just a concept photo)

•I don't know if you have ever heard of "Sun Rah" but I remember that he said something like "Where is the new planet Earth?" in a video called "Space is the Place" (editor's note: I really liked it OvO) that's how I can describe Home-World; it's the new planet Earth.

Welp, that is it for now; but that doesn't mean that it's the end of it because there is so much more to discovrer about Home-World throughout this story. I dunno, it's all up to the author to decide. Ok, goodbye! (*'︶'*)

 Ok, goodbye! (*'︶'*)

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