08: Last Day on Earth (part two)

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3rd person POV:

It was getting very late, the trio went to Hirõ's place to get ready for the takeoff but of course they had to have a bit of rest after what happened that night.

Hirõ was especially the one to reminisce what has happened. In fact, it was impossible for him to forget his very first kiss. He really wanted to know how she felt when they kissed, if he was being too pushy or if she didn't like it at all. That thought kinda made him burry his face in his pillow internally screaming in embarrassment.

-"Why did I even do that?! *muffled screams*" he thought

Azriella, who was in the living room with Bethany, was quite embarrassed as well. It felt like it has almost been an eternity that she has been kissed to the point of forgetting how it felt like. Unlike what Hirõ was thinking, she felt good about that moment. It felt like she has made a discovery of human feeling at its intense form: it felt like fire was lit inside her heart which felt cold for so long.

-"I am glad that he did it..." she thought.


It was around 2 a.m. It was time to leave Earth for good. The trio decided took their necessities such as clothes, toiletries and food. Hirõ thought it would be best to take the spacecraft somewhere further from the house, like that isolated hill a few distances away.

Thanks to Azriella's super strength, the trio's reached their destination. When they got inside the spacecraft, it was bigger on the inside than it might look on the outside. Not gonna lie, the inside of the spacecraft looked like a futuristic luxury apartment almost: there was an emergency kit that had oxygen masks, medical necessities, water and even some cooking supplies (editor's note: sounds unrealistic but like this entire book is a futuristic/space fantasy genre)

The navigation system was quite different from what Hirõ and Beth have imagined.

-"So many buttons..." they thought

Azriella went to the system and said: "Activate navigation" in her native language

-"Please identify yourself to activate navigation." a female voice spoke out

Azriella then placed her hand onto a scanning device and identified herself

-"Azriella, princess and future queen of Home World Galaxy, the first daughter of King Apollon V and Queen Blue Diamond." she replied

*scanning noises* "Identification successful; Navigation mode activated. Welcome aboard, princess."

-"Thank you; the princess said politely, set destination to Home World Space Center - Mitropolì"

The device has set the destination and prepared the spacecraft for takeoff. Suddenly, there were seats that appeared from the walls where Bethany and Hirõ sat. Azriella sat with her legs crossed in front of them while navigation devices appeared in front of her.

-"Do you know how to fly this thing?" Hirõ said in a concerned way

-"Of course. My childhood friend, Narema, taught me how to ride these spacecrafts. She's the lieutenant of the Home World army and captain of the aviation sector." Azriella answered

The two in the back were quite surprised. Who would've thought that women would be so cool?

FKA twigs - Mothercreep

The engine of the spacecraft started, the trio put their seat belts and put on their oxygen masks. "It's best if we wear those because we can't actually breath in space" said Azriella. Slowly and slowly, the spacecraft started to takeoff. The device was counting down from 10

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