Season 1 Episode 5

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A Week Later

"I can't believe, Griff hasn't asked me to homecoming yet." I mutter, as I sit at the table closest to the entrance of Chubbie's, then Cory's and Shawn's attention goes to me.
"How about you talk to Topanga about this?" Cory suggests, not knowing what to say, and since, he doesn't consider me his friend, as of last week.

"Or you know, talk to Griffin about it." Shawn counters, then I look at him, and I rise my eyebrow.
"Yeah, and while I'm talking to him, I'll make sure to mention you called him, 'Griffin'." I joke, then he gulps.
"Please don't." He pleads, and I chuckle.
"Anyways, I can't talk to Topanga about this, she's doing stuff and I can't talk-" I start to explain myself then Cory interrupts me.
"By 'stuff', you mean, out with someone." Shawn questions, sounding kind of jealous.
"No, I mean she's studying." I correct him.
"She's out with someone, and you're covering for her." Cory running with Shawn's narrative, deciding not to believe me.

"You know, if she's moved on, then I should keep trying to find a date for homecoming." He continues, then he stands up, and walks over to a girl.
"She really is studying." I say, as I grab my cup, and Cory uses his mesmerised, practised speech on a girl, then he slowly turns around, coming back to us. "Any luck?" I wonder, as Cory covers his face with his hands.
"Apparently, it's not a good time to be a grandmother." He responds, uncovering his face, then he turns. "Her grandmother's coughing phlegm, her grandmother's hacking blood, and her-" Cory starts, pointing at some girls, then Shawn interrupts.

"Whoa, I happen to know she has no grandmother." Shawn points out, as Cory turns back to us.
"Yes, and somehow she blames me for her death." Cory continues, and I chuckle, then he glared at me, as he sits down.
"I mean, on the plus side, you can't sink any lower than that." I tell him, and he rolls his eyes, then my eyes gently get covered.
"Guess who." I hear Griff, and I smile, then I grab his hands.
"I guess, it's- Griff." I play along, then I turn around, quickly in my chair, to hug him happily, and I give him a quick kiss on the cheek,
before pulling away.

"You left your 'lucky' guitar at my place, and I figured you would need it." He explains, then grabbing my case, that was leaning against the wall, and places against the table, next to me.
"How'd you know she was here?" Cory questions, sternly, and Griff looks over at him, confused.
"I told him." I reply to Cory, plainly.
"Hey, has Hawkins asked you to homecoming yet?" Shawn pretends to wonder, then I widen my eyes at him, and he smiles slightly.
"No, I haven't. Why? Dani, were you expecting me to?" I hear Griff ask, and I turn around, then I look up at him.
"I mean, a little." I answer, with my heart sinking, a little, finding out he doesn't want to go with me.

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