Season 1 Episode 4

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Shawn Was Gone For One Day:

Shawn Was Gone For One Day:

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One Week Later

I am just sitting in my history class, supposed to be taking this test but, I keep looking at the door, expecting Shawn. I'm worried for him, this test could bring his grade up a lot, and we even studied together! "Ok, class. Your 30 minutes are up. Pass up your test." Ms. Conners says, and everyone passes up their papers. "I'll put up a video for the last 20 minutes, you also may quietly talk to each other." She tells us.

"Alright, everyone may leave." Ms. Conners excuses us,as the bell rings, and everyone grabs their stuff. "Except for Ms. Hart." She adds, and I walk over to her desk.
"What do you need me for?" I ask her, while nervously holding onto my backpack strap.
"Everyone else in the class finished, at least half the test, except for you." Ms. Conners comments, obnoxiously.

I sigh, and reply, "I'm sorry, but there's stuff doing on at home, and I was worrying about Shawn, we studied together, then he doesn't even show up."
"It's alright, Dani. I'll let you finish the test on Monday." She practically shoos me away, and I leave. I walk the hallways, and the handsome guy from the other day stops me.
"Hey, I like your hair, it's nice." He compliments me, with a smile, as he tucks a strand of my hair, behind my ear.
"Thank you." I smile back.
"So, I've been meaning to say hi to you." He says, softly.

"I sort of, figured that out, when Joey was shouting at me, from across the hall, last week." I point out.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. My name's Griff, by the way." He introduces himself, and holds out his hand, then I accept the handshake.
"My name's-," "-Dani Hart. Yeah, your name has been going around." He tells me, and I raise my eyebrows. "I assure you, they're all good things." He continues.
"Oh, good." I sigh. "Hey, um how about we meet up at Chubbie's, and you could tell me about all these good things about me." I wonder, with a smile.
"Are you asking me on a date, Hart?" He questions, with a slight smirk.

"Maybe, I am." I counter, with a small laugh. "So, I have to get to class but, I will be at Chubbie's at 5." I kiss his cheek, as I walk past him.
"Alright, maybe I'll see you there." He smiles, and I walk into Mr. Turner's class.
"Hey, Dani. I need to talk with you." Turner tells me and I walk over to him. "Did I just hear you ask Griff on a date?" He continues, in a hushed tone.
"She did what now?!" Cory questions, standing up from his desk. I roll my eyes, as I think, I can't do anything without their input.
"I'm not seeing what's the big problem." I reply, walking over to my desk, and setting down my bag.

"I'm sure not you know this, Dani. But Shawn is very keen of you." Cory informs me, turning around to look at me.
"That, and Griff is bad news, Dani. I just want you to be safe." Turner adds, worriedly, then I hum.
"All the more intriguing." I somewhat joke, which they don't seem to care for, then I lean forward, resting my forearms on my desk, and I laugh, slightly. "Okay. One, if Shawn likes me then, why has he been taking so long to say something?" I start, with a stern look to Cory, as I roll that out of the cons, since Shawn told me the truth, then I turn to Turner.

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