Season 1 Episode 8

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Showtime, Baby! Part Two:

Showtime, Baby! Part Two:

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*Dani's POV*

I sit at Griff's computer, in his shirt, and no pants, as I record the track of one of my new songs. "No, no. Too deep. Song I wrote." I sing the last part of the vocal overlay, then I laugh, a little, because it sounds little weird, without the lyrics. I press burn to CD, then I look over at Griff, as he sits on the side of his bed, and I go over. "I swear it's going to sound much better when Eric and I perform it tomorrow night." I tell him, as I stand in front of him, then I lend down, and kiss him. He grabs my hands, and guides my arms to rest, on his shoulders, then I smile into the kiss. I part from the kiss, and sit on his lap, as I kiss his cheek, then I lay my head, on his shoulder.

"I know getting you The Corrs record wasn't much, but I'm glad you're happy." He tells me, then I lift my head, and look at him.
"What are you talking about? I love your present, it means everything to me." I confess, as hold his chin, and he smiles softly, then his doorbell rings. "Is that your mum?" I wonder, slightly panicked, as I stand up, then he goes to his bedroom door, and I grab my pants.
"It shouldn't be, she doesn't get off of work till 8." He replies, quickly, as he walks out, shirtless, and I try to quickly hop into my jeans, then once I get them on, I go downstairs.
"It's just Matthews and Topanga." He announces, and pushing the door open, revealing Eric and her, then the panic in my chest disappears.

"Hi, guys. Sorry, we thought- doesn't matter what we thought." I sigh, and I sit down on the stairs, then I quickly rub my face, leaving my hands in my hair. "Um, what brings you by?" I ask, as I shake my hands loose, and I look up at them, then slightly smile.
"It's your birthday! Be happy! Come on!" Eric answers, then I drop my small smile, and I stare at him. "Hey, she's the one that forgot your birthday. I was the one that reminded them all." He defence himself, then Topanga gets annoyed by him.
"Yes, I forgot, but I wanted to apologise, on the behalf of me & the boys, since you weren't at home, and no one knew Griff's number." She says, in her own Topanga way, then I stand up, and walk over.

"Well, I forgive all of you. Have a nice night, and I don't even know Griff's number, so don't even feel bad." I respond, then I close the door, and Griff looks down at me. I sigh, then I reluctantly open the door, and I smile at them. "I'm sorry, I'm- I'm just bummed out. I'm assuming you were doing to tell me something else." I tell her, then I rub my eye, gently, with the palm of my hand, and Topanga leans forward, a little.
"Are you- never mind. The Matthews are inviting us over in honour of your birthday." She informs me, and I nod, then look over at Griff for a second.

"Us, including Griff?" I question, then I realise how windy it is outside, and open the door wider. "Actually, come in." I say, and they  step in, then I close the door, behind them.
"Hey, man. Of course you can join us for dinner." Eric tells him, and gives him a handshake, then I look over at Topanga, as she looking around.
"It's- tidier here than I'd imagine." She comments, then I look back over at Eric, and he's just staring at Griff.
"Hey, what time's the dinner, Topanga?" I ask, while looking at Griff being slightly annoyed by Eric, and, while I am slightly offended by what she said, then I regain her attention.

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