Season 1 Episode 12

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Everything Must Come to an End Part Two:

Everything Must Come to an End Part Two:

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I knock on the Matthews' front door, then the door opens, and I'm expecting it to be Cory, but it's Eric. "What are you doing here, Dani? What's the matter?" He wonders, genuinely, with a smile, then after holding it in for five hours, I break down into tears, and Eric's smile drops, as I go to hug him. "Cory? Mom?" He shouts for them, after a moment. "One moment, they were fine, and now-" Eric tries to explain.
"Dani? Oh honey, what happened?" Mrs. Matthews questions, interrupting him, as they walk in, and I go to hug her instead, then she pats my head.
"Griff broke up with me." I answer, through deep breaths, and I hear Eric close the front door.

"He said that there was no good reason but we had to." I add, between sobs, and she pats my back, then pulls away to look at me.
"It's his loss." She tells me, then wipes my tears, and fixes my hair. "How about I get you a glass of water and we can talk more, okay? Deep breaths, sweetheart." She asks, and I nod, then she guides me, into the kitchen.
"You know, you are strong, you'll get up, and over in no time." Cory says, as I sit down, then I get the feeling to shout at him that, just because I'm strong enough to handle this pain, doesn't mean I deserve this, but I just resist, because Cory didn't cause it, and I nod.

"I don't know why I started crying. I came here to study with Cory." I admit, as Mrs. Matthews hands me the cup of water, then she sits next to me, and I take drink of water.
"Well, you're hurting inside, that's was completely normal." She reassures, and I set the glass on the table, then my head starts to hurt.
"Um, can I have some aspirin or something?" I ask her, then Cory heads to a cabinet, and hands me the bottle. I take some, then I look up at Mrs. Matthews, and I smile, softly. "I think I'll be alright to study now." I tell her, then she nods.
"Okay, Dani, let me know if you need anything." She responds, and I nod, then I head upstairs, with Cory.


Cory sits on his bed, and I sit at his desk, as I write some of his math notes in my book, then Eric walks in, before laying down on his bed, throwing a football at the ceiling. "So, are you still in love with him?" Cory wonders, and I look up, from my notebook, then Eric quickly sits up.
"Cory, you can't ask them that. It's too soon, ya bafoon." Eric tells him, and throws his football at him.
"Thank you, Eric." I say, as I return to my notebook, and finish writing, then I toss back Cory's notebook. "I gotta go home." I point out, and I pack up, then I put on my backpack.
"I'm sorry, Dani." Cory admits softly, then I nod, and I look outside.
"Um, it's dark outside. Eric, can you walk me to my car, please?" I ask, then he nods, before he stands up, and follows out.

We walk the sidewalk,then he walks, little ahead, and opens my door. "Thank you." I say, one last time, and hug him again for a moment, then I kiss his cheek, as I part from him.
"You gonna be okay, Dani?" He wonders, as I get in my car, and he closes the door, then rests his arms, on the window.
"Yeah, goodnight, Eric." I reply, with soft smile, then he nods, and goes. I light a cigarette, then start up my car, and drive home.

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