Season 1 Episode 14

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The Ski Lodge:

The Ski Lodge:

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A Week Later

I wake up, hearing a scream, and I lift my head, off the bus window, then look out, seeing Shawn help Cory off the ground. Oh my god, Cory did not just fall off the bus. I roll my eyes, before I go to rub the sleep out of them, we had to get up really early to get on the bus. I get my stuff, then head into the ski lodge, and I see Griff walk upstairs. "Those slopes are treacherous." A girl points out, as she helps Cory onto the couch of the lobby, taking my attention to them.

"He fell, getting off the bus." Feeny corrects, and she looks over at him for second.
"Those buses are treacherous." She correct her wording, to reassure Cory.
"Could you check out my foot, doc? I think it's broken in four places." He says, then she kneels down, and checks it out.
"I think it's just sprained." She informs him, then he looks over at me and Shawn, for a second.
"Well, embellish it? For my friends." He asks, in a whisper.
"I'll have the doctor come, and embellish it for you." She answers, as she stands back up.

"My guess is you'll live, but you won't ski, sorry." She adds, as Topanga comes, and sits next to Cory, then the girl leaves.
"There goes our junior year ski trip, huh?" Cory remarks, as Shawn and I sit down across from them.
"Yeah, what am I supposed to do, when my buddy's out of commission?" I add, as I rest my elbows on my knees.
"No, guys. We can have a great weekend here together, we can sit here while everybody out and playing in the snow, and skiing, and having fun, and we can talk about how much fun they're having, without us." Topanga rants, then looks off to the side.

"Wet blanket." I cough through the words, then I look back, and Topanga's staring at me, with her mouth agape.
"Go skiing." Cory tells her.
"Thank you." She replies, quickly, and runs off.
"No, go ahead, go." He comments, sarcastically, then I look at him with sympathy. "Dani, you can ski with them, I'll be alright here. And I'm sure Shawn and Topanga, won't mind." He points out, and we both look over at Shawn. Cory, with wonder, and me, with eyes saying, I don't have to go.
"Yeah, n-no problem." Shawn hesitates to answer, then we nod, and grab our stuff, before heading to our rooms.


I left the slopes early, to let Topanga and Shawn to be alone for a bit

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I left the slopes early, to let Topanga and Shawn to be alone for a bit.

I sit at a window, next to the door, I take my beanie, goggles, & gloves off, then I unbuckle my snow shoes. "Hi, I'm Lauren, we saw each other earlier, when your group first came in." The girl greets, sitting next to me.
"I'm Dani." I reply, closed off, then I see Griff walk in, talking to a girl, not seeing me.
"Got boy problems? Or girl problems?" Lauren comments, noticing.
"I swing both ways, violently, with a bat. Stay out of my business." I answer, before I walk away, then I see Topanga and Shawn, by the door, as I head up the stairs.
"Dani." Shawn tries to get me to stay downstairs, but I continue to head to my room.

Third Person POV

Dani leaves, then Shawn lets out a sigh, and turns to Lauren. "Dani's like that, with everyone, at first, you just got to give them some time, to open up." He advises, then Lauren nods, as she stands up, and heads to her desk. Topanga and Shawn head to check on Cory.
"The slopes were so much fun, I accidentally got on the wrong lift, and did six runs with an Olympic team." Topanga boasts.

"Good for you." Cory replies.
"No, but the best part is, I think I'm going to be in a chapstick commercial." She adds, sitting on the table.
"Good for you." He repeats, not knowing what else to say.
"I'm sorry, Cory, you must be so bored. Okay, we'll change out of our ski suits, and when we'll spend the rest of the night together, yeah?" She plans, as she stands back up, then looks at Shawn.
"Yeah, and we'll try to get Dani to join us, as well." Shawn replies, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear, and Topanga nods, then heads upstairs.


Dani's POV

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Dani's POV

I had declined Shawn's offer to play board games for the evening with Cory.

Now, it's two am, I had spend the evening in my room, listening to music, and writing in my songbook. I head downstairs to have some hot cocoa, then I stop on the second step, I see Lauren at her desk, and I see Cory past out on the couch. "A fellow insomniac, I see." Lauren comments, with a smile, then I nod, as I hold on to the railing.
"I just came down to get some hot cocoa." I reply, and she stands up.
"Let me, I may be off duty but it's still my job, and I don't mean to brag, I make some damn good cocoa." She says, as she goes to the table, then I head over to the window, and I stare out, until she walks over, handing me a cup, as she sits down, next to me again.

"So, I know it's not my business, but I'm willing to listen, if you want to talk." She points out, and I take a sip of the hot cocoa, then I stare down at a pillow, I'm laying against, until she stood up to leave.
"Griff." I let out, and she looks at me, then sits back down. "That's the guy's name, who you saw earlier." I continue.
"Your ex?" She wonders, and my heart sinks as I hear it, then I nod, softly.
"I never thought a sure thing existed, but when I was with him, I was like a different person altogether." I point out, and she nods along.

"Has anyone ever made you feel that way?" I wonder, as I look up at her.
"Yeah, Jake was his name. We grew up together here, then he moved into the city." She replies, then she smiles, softly, like she just thought of something. "Do you like to party?" She asks, then I smile back, with a nod. "My friend owns a club around here, would you like to check out with me?" She adds, and I sits up straighter.
"Oh my god, yes." I reply, in harsh whisper.
"Hey, hey." Eric says, sounding protective, heading over to us. "If you're going somewhere, this late at night, then imma have to go." He tells me.
"Alright." I laugh through the words.

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