Season 1 Episode 7

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Showtime, Baby!:

Showtime, Baby!:

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Two weeks Later


I close my locker, and I turn around, then I see Mr. Feeny handing papers to Cory & Shawn. I see it's our latest test, and I have a feeling I didn't do so well, so I try to quickly go into Mr. Turner's class. "Dani, you can't possibly be thinking you're getting out of this." I hear Feeny say, then I turn around, and he hands me my test. "A 56. Better than your companions over there, but not passing. Ever opened a book, Ms. Hart?" He wonders, as I fold the paper, and put it in my back pocket, then I nod.

"I'm reading the Doomsday Book by Connie Willis." I smile, then he returns the smile, but only for a second.
"I was talking about an educational or school book. Not a Sci-Fi book." He retorts, and I nod, then Shawn runs up to me. He looks like he's about to say something, but he sees Feeny, and he closes his mouth, then grabs my arm. "I really shouldn't let you kids go about with your antics. But, I have some matters to tend to, and remember when you get home, I want you to read a book! A school book." Feeny tells us, before he leaves, then Shawn and I nod.

I look over at Shawn. "What?" I wonder, in suspense, and he lets go of my arm, then fixes his hair.
"Cory and I need your help. Our science papers are due tomorrow, and we'd like you to help us turn it in, tonight." He says, then I shake my head.
"One, I'm pretty sure Cory's still kind of mad at me, and I don't think he'll even want me to go. Two, unlike you, I did my paper, and turned it in today. Three, I'd never help you two break into the school for stupid paper." I tell him, quietly, speaking the last part, then I walk into Mr. Turner's class.


*Third Person POV*

In Mr. Turner's classroom, he's teaching, and Dani sitting at their desk, with headphones on, while trying to write new lyrics, then the song ends, and a song with more bass starts to play. Turner stops writing on the chalkboard, as he starts to hear Dani's music, and he turns around, then looks over, Shawn and Cory are looking over at Dani as well. "What are they writing?" Turner asks them, and they look up at him, then both lean over more to read Dani's notebook.

"Uh, 'Bad For Business; he's good, it's bad. The best-' just lyrics." Cory slowly reads, off of Dani's paper, then decides not to finish reading, and stops leaning to look.
"'The best I ever had, and he's so nice.'" Shawn continues to read, without thinking, then Turner starts to walk over.
"Thanks for trying to spare me, Cory." He responds, before waving his hand, in front of Dani's face, and getting their attention, then she takes off their headphones, pausing her music as well. "Tell me, exactly how loud does your music need to be?" He wonders, as he crouches down, next to her desk.
"Loud enough to not hear you." They remark, then Turner gives a fake smile.

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