Season 1 Episode 2

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Music Contest:

Music Contest:

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One Month Later

"So, no special moment? He just straight up said, 'I love you'?" I wonder to Topanga, as I sit on the bathroom sink counter, then she nods, nervously and aggressively. "Man, that takes guts." I point out, as I lean back against the wall, in between the two mirrors.
"We were just at Chubby's and Cory said it." Topanga explains more, and leans against the sink beside me.
"I mean I feel it too but I don't know if we should say it yet." Topanga admits, as she crosses her arms.
"We should start heading to class." I suggest, after a second, checking my watch, then I hop off the sink counter.

We grab our stuff, and leave the restrooms, then start walking to our lockers, but we run into Shawn and Cory. "I really have to go." Topanga says, then walks away, and I start to follow.
"Dani! Has Topanga said anything about last night?" Cory asks me, and I hesitantly, turn around.
"Of course, she told me everything." I answer, honestly, with a shrug.
"And?" Cory asks, and waits for a reply, but I didn't give an answer, I just bit my lip, holding my words back, then Hunter grabs my shoulders.
"Spit it out, Hart! I know you want to say something!" Shawn exclaims, as he starts shaking me.

"Oh no, Hunter, you are not getting a single word out of me regarding the conversation Topanga and I just had." I stare into his eyes, shaking my head, no, a little.
"I bet I can." Shawn says, nodding his head, yes.
"No, you can not. I am a loyal friend to Topanga!" I tell him, stomping my foot down.
"Get out the way, let me try!" Cory says, pushing Shawn out of the way, then grabs my shoulders, and starts shaking me, aggressively. "What did Topanga tell you, Dani!" He shouts, in my face.
"Cory, stop." I shrug his hands, off of my shoulders. "If Shawn can't get me to say anything, what makes you think you can?" I tell Cory.

Shawn's POV

"Yeah, you're right." Cory agrees, caving, but I wasn't listening to him, what Dani just said, repeating over and over in my head, distracting me. I wonder, what she meant by that.

Y/n's POV

"You see?" Cory explains, onward about something, I have no idea about, as I walk away.

"Wait." I hear, from behind me. "Dani." I hear once again, and this time I turn around, It was just Shawn. "Hey, so. You're not expecting me to say, that, right?" He wonders, then I furrow my eyebrows.
"No. Why would I?" I question, bluntly, and shrug, then I walk away.
"Woah, who's that?" I hear, vaguely, behind me, as I walk up to my locker, then I turn to see a handsome guy, talking to Joey and Frankie. I return my attention to my locker, and I open it.
"You like her? You got her. Come on, Frankie." I hear Joey say, but I continue to look in my locker, and place last period's books in there.

"Yogi, boo-boo, back. Just want to know her name." I hear the guy tell them, as I grab the next class' books.
"Yo, cookie. What's your name?" Joey shouts, from across the hall, then I close my locker, and turn around to see, he was yelling at me.
"Well, Joey, maybe, just maybe, if you try hard enough, you just might recall my name." I suggest, then I start to walk to class.
"Guys, if you're going to hang with me, you got to chill, mellow out." I hear the guy say, then I look over my shoulder, catching his gaze, as he walks to the school's telephone, and I smile, before turning the corner.


Topanga and I walk the hallways

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Topanga and I walk the hallways.
"Are you sure you want to break up with Cory?" I question.
"I'm not sure what I want." She responds honestly.

"Seriously? Hunter and I spent so long getting you two together." I counter back, jokingly.
"That's funny. See, I would laugh, but I'm so nervous." She confesses, with a big smile, and it quickly falls, then we turn into the cafeteria. "Hi, Cory." She greets.
"Oh, hi Topanga." Cory replies, whilst turning around.
"Can we talk alone?" Topanga wonders.
"Alone." Cory and Shawn smile, together.
"Yeah, idiots. That's not usually a good thing." I answer, and I pull Shawn away, from the conversation.
"Hey, Shawn." I greet him, with a smile.
"Hi, Dani." He says, returning the smile.

"So, since Mr. Turner partnered us up for the project, I need to come over to your place, tomorrow." I tell him, trying to distract Shawn, from Cory and Topanga.
"Yeah, yeah." He replies, then focus his attention on me. "Hey, what did you mean by, talking alone isn't a good thing?"
"Oh, well. She probably already did it. Topanga's breaking up with Cory." I answer.
"Oh." He nods along.
"Also, we got to study for the history test. You need to pass that." I say to Shawn, then I pat his shoulder, and head out the door, with Topanga.


I sit down, at a booth a Chubby's, I wait for Topanga, then I take my songbook out of my backpack, and start to work on my song, as I wait for her.

"It was the best of times, the worst of crimes." I sing softly, reading out of my book, as I tap my pencil, and I continue, as I try to figure out how to start the new verse, then I thought. "It was the great escape, the prison break." I sing a little, as I write, then a shadow appears over my notebook, and I look up, it's Topanga. "Hello." I say, as I raise my eyebrow.
"You, you sound great." She compliments, sounding flabbergasted, as she sits down, across from me.
"...Thanks." I reply, with a weak smile, then she places her hand, on my book.

"May I?" Topanga wonders, and I nod, then I lean back, as she picks up my book. She reads it, then puts it back down, and stands up, goes over to the counter. She comes back, and hands me a piece of paper, then sits back down. "Dani, you should sign up for Chubbie's music contest." She suggests, as I read the flyer. "The winner gets paid to perform here, weekly." She continues, then I look up at her, and place the flyer, on the table.
"I don't know..." I respond, as I lean back in my seat, then she grabs my book, and places the flyer, between two pages.
"Well, just think about it." She says, as she slides my book back, then I nod, as I hold onto it.

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