Season 1 Episode 6

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Homecoming Part Two:

Homecoming Part Two:

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I walk into the dance, wearing black pleated shorts, with leggings underneath, and a black shiny shirt, with Griff's black leather jacket. I look around, then I don't see him, but I do find Topanga. "Hey, I can't find Griff. Have you seen him anywhere?" I wonder, as I walk up to her.
"I'm sorry, I haven't. You look really nice by the way, a nice choice not wearing a dress. This seems more like you." She compliments.
"Thank you, dresses aren't really me. But you,-" I reply, then I scoff in shock, as I look at her pink dress. "You look like a million bucks. Actually fuck that, billion bucks." I admit, making her laugh.

"Thank you. I'll be right back." She says, and I nod, then a few moments later, Feeny parts the curtains to walk onstage.
"Check. Microphone one. Test." He says, into the mic, then taps on it, and Turner pops out, saying something to Feeny, as the mic feedback. "Stay in school. Get a good education. Don't slouch." He continues, as I start to look around again. I see Topanga walk back, and she looks kind of upset, then I grab her hand, once she gets close enough.
"What's wrong, Toganga?" I wonder.
"I need to tell you something." She replies, then I squeeze her hand, and I nod.

"John Adams High! It is with great pleasure, I give you The Exits!" Mr. Turner announces, then people start cheering, we can see Cory and Shawn eating, as the curtains rise.
"Topanga, what is it you need to tell me?" I ask, as the noise dies down.
"I can tell you after the dance." She tells me, then Shawn and Cory walk onstage.
"Good Evening, John Adams High!" Cory shouts. "Are you ready to rock? Are you ready to roll? Are you ready to rock 'n' roll?" He stalls, then Shawn goes to the mic.
"Good night, everybody!" Shawn says, then tries to run, but Cory stops him, and everyone starts booing. I watch, as Cory and Shawn regret lying, then Cory comes up with something.

"Hey, you there! What's your name?" Cory asks the brunette.
"You stink!" She shouts back.
"No. I think your name's, Sonia." He counters, in a silly way. "And I got a song for Sonia." He adds, then he and Shawn start playing random notes. "Sonia, bo, benia." They say over and over, then people start walking away. I run up, then I take my CD, which I have for my first gig at Chubbie's, and put it into the disk player. I grab the remote control, then take a second.
"What are you doing?" Cory asks, coming up to me, then I cover the mic.

"Saving your ass. Get the guitar and tell Shawn to go to the drums then just pretend to play along." I instruct, and they do as told, then I turn to the mic, before taking a breath. "Don't blame me, love made me crazy. If it doesn't, you ain't doing it right. Lord, save me! My drug is my baby, I'll be using for the rest of my life." I sing, loudly, getting people's attention, and I see Feeny looking flabbergasted, while Turner laughing a little, then I press play on the remote, as I laugh too. A piano track plays through the speakers, as I start to play as well, then I look up. "Don't blame me, love made me crazy. If it doesn't, you ain't doing it right. Lord save me my drug is my baby. I'll be using for the rest of my life." I sing again, but softly this time, then the piano track stop, and the drums start going. "I've been breakin' hearts a long time, and toyin' with them older guys. Just playthings for me to use." I grab onto the mic, then I hold on to my heart.

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