Season 1 Episode 1

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First Day:


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I walk into the hallway, of my new school, John Adams High. I head over, to the Principal's office, I read the name on the door, before walking in, Feeny. "Hello, you must be Danielle Hart." He greets, then offers his hand, and I shake my head. I give him a stern look, and I place my bag, beside the chair, then I sit down. "Well, then." He simply says, then he goes to sit down, in his chair, across from me. "Ms. Hart, I am a man, with very little patience." He admits, then I sit up, in the chair, and lean forward.
"Then I guess, it was a bad choice accepting me." I finally, open my mouth, then I clear my throat.

"Excuse me?" He inquires, calmly.
"Oh see. You do have patience." I point out, then he gives me a stern look.
"I will make this short, and to the point. This is my school. You are a guest in my school, and while you're here, you will toe the line, and respect the rules. Now, what is your first class?" He asks, then I look at him, before I pull out the piece of paper, and I sigh.
"English 3. Mr. Turner." I read off the paper, then I pick up my backpack, and stand up.
"I hope my little speech got to you, and you change your ways while you're here. Now, here's your locker number." He says to me, and hands me a paper, then I take it.

The note says, "Locker 205 code 10-38". I sarcastically smile, and wave goodbye, then I walk out of his office. I open my locker, and put in my books for my classes, but keep the ones I need for English. I look to my left, and see a very good-looking boy...... in a bathrobe, odd. I turn around, and see another fairly good-looking guy, stapling papers. Let's just hope nothing goes wrong. And there goes Jinx, the good-looking guy staples his sleeve to the bulletin board. "Are you ok?" I quickly wonder, as I hurry over.
"Yeah. No skin just got my sleeve. Great, huh?" He smiles, and then tries to get unstuck, but fails.

"Uhh, do you mind helping?" He questions, nicely, then I help him. "Thanks." He says, as I step back.
"Oh, yeah, no problem." I fix my hair, and came to the realisation, I should probably introduce myself, "Oh, I'm Dani Hart."
"Oh, hey, I'm Eric Matthews." He replies, as he offers his hand, then I take it, and shake it, as the bell rings.
"Nice to meet you, but I gotta go, you know?" I say, pointing to the ceiling, at the bells, and start walking backwards. "Catch you later, Mathews?" I wonder, pointing at him for a second.
"Yeah, see you later!" He replies, from across the hall. I turn around, and I hold up a peace sign, while walking away still.

"Ah, it looks like, the new Ms. Danielle has made a new friend." a person, who I'm assuming is my teacher, Mr. Turner points out. "Explain to me, Why have you chosen, Mr. Eric Matthews?" He questions, as I walk past him, and place my bag, next to a chair, in the back.
"I just helped him unstaple himself from the bulletin board." I explain, as I sit down.
"You see, his head isn't screwed on right." The boy next to me says, he's also the guy in the bathrobe, but now, he's dressed.
"Says the guy, who came to school, in a bathrobe. How did you get dressed so fast?" I wonder, then bathrobe boy leans towards me, and asks, "Have you been watching me?"

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