Season 1 Episode 19

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The Heist Part Three:

The Heist Part Three:

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I laid against my bed, thinking over everything, then I grab my notebook, and look over my assignment from Turner, before I flip to the last page, looking over my list. Dreading the fact, I may have to go for my backup plan, and I grab my shoebox, filled with saved money, then I count it. If I go with my backup plan, I need to save twice as much saved, then I put my stuff, back under my bed, and I close my eyes, leaning my head back, trying to accept the fact, I need to stay sober until the deadline, that's in three months, or find free source. I run my hands through my hair, and I sigh, then I check my watch, before getting up.


I hop on stage, and I grab a stool from the side, placing it in front of the mic, then I grab a guitar, before I sit. "Hi, everyone. If you didn't know, I'm Dani Hart. My guitarist is gonna be couple songs late, but I promise, I'll suffice for now." I greet, laughing a little, as I place the guitar strap over my head, and rest it on my knee, then I adjust the stand, slightly, before I start playing. "I hope we stay the same, hey. Honeymoon." I start, softly, then I see Cory & Shawn walk in, and they sit at a booth. "Unexpected, this thing that we fell into. Like, so connected. You came at a time, when my heart was selective. Didn't have to choose, my love was accepted." I continue singing, softly, smiling slightly, then I pick up the pace. "Now I'm learning you like one-on-one. You were sent to me like a one of one. And, now we're going hard just one-on-one. Nobody else." I sing, quickly, then I slow it back down a little.

"I hope we never change. I hope we stay the same. I hope that we can love through the pain. After the honeymoon fades. I hope we never change. I hope we stay the same. I hope we can love through the pain. After the honeymoon fades. After the honeymoon fades, yeah." I sing, as my attention goes to Griff walking down the steps, then I let my gaze go elsewhere. "I remember when we met, we was all in each others' bed. And we were spending every second we had. And now it's official; it's hittin' a little different. What the hell we gonna do with these bags?" I sing, soulfully, but quickly, then I keep the quickness going. "Then I was learning you like one-on-one. You were sent to me like a one of one. Then we were going hard just one-on-one. Nobody else." I continue, nodding my head to the beat, then I slow it down, again. "I hoped we'd never changed. I hoped we'd stay the same. I hoped that we could love through the pain. After the honeymoon fades. I hoped we'd never changed. I hoped we'd stay the same. I hoped we could love through the pain." I slow it down more. "After the honeymoon fades. After the honeymoon fades. And I hoped it tasted the same. Oh, even if it's bittersweet. Honeymoon fading with you. Honeymoon fading with you. Honeymoon faded with you. Honeymoon faded, faded." I end the song with slight vocals, then there was a slight applause.

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