Season 1 Episode 15

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The Ski Lodge Part Two:

The Ski Lodge Part Two:

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Lauren, Eric, and I head up an elevator, then it opens to a lobby, where we could already hear the party music through the doors.

We go in, Lauren grabs my hand, and I grab Eric's, then we run into the crowd, beginning to jump and dance to the music. The song ends, we head over to the bar, and Eric starts talking about that they won't give us anything. "Don't worry." Lauren says, then she gets the bartender's attention, and he greets her with her name. "I'd like my usual, they'll like..." She starts, and looks over at me, then I clear my throat.
"Two beers, bottles please." I order for Eric and me, and the guy opens the bottles in front of us, then hands them to us, before making Lauren's drink. I teach Eric to cover the top with his thumb, for safety.


After a couple drinks and dances, I head over to the restroom, and I look at my drunk self in the mirror, then I splash water on my face to sober up a bit

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After a couple drinks and dances, I head over to the restroom, and I look at my drunk self in the mirror, then I splash water on my face to sober up a bit. I get a paper towel, and pat down my face before heading back out to Lauren and Eric.

"So, do you two have jobs?" Lauren wonders, as she sips her drink.
"We're in a band together." Eric replies, then takes a drink of his beer, and having his mix reaction to the taste still.
"Yeah, I write the songs, sing them, and he plays the guitar, while we preform." I add, and I take a drink, having no reaction.
"Really?" She says, as she looks like she has an idea, then she gets the bartender's attention again, and he heads back over. "Do you know where Jim is?" She wonders to him, and he points to the end of the bar, then we see a young man, not much older than us, sitting at the end.

Lauren heads over, and talks with him, then comes back. "Come on." She says, simply, before taking our hands, then leading us through the crowd, and to the stage. She takes our drinks, and places them on a table, two chairs beside it, with mics in front of them. She hands Eric and I a guitar each, then picks one up of her own, and go to one of the two mics. "Hi, everyone. You remember me, Lauren, and this is Dani and Eric. We'll be playing a couple songs for you tonight." She introduce us, with a smile, then she turns to us, and tells us the cords, quickly, and to follow along. Lauren and I go over to the mics, and we all start playing, then Lauren clears her throat.

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