Season 1 Episode 3

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Music Contest Part Two:

Music Contest Part Two:

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I walked Cory home, after he, Shawn, and I met up at Chubby's, where Cory just moped.

He and Shawn told me, how he freaked out in Mr. Williams' class. "Are you going to be okay, Cory?" I wonder, as we walk into his backyard, and he nods. "Are you sure? I don't need to take away your bedsheets or shoe laces or anything?" I question, as he walks up, to the back door.
"Bedsheets? What? No. I'll be fine. Look if you want, you can stay for some water." He answers, opening the door.
"Cory, dinner was over a half hour ago." His mom points out, as we walk in, then he drops his bag, on the floor.
"Yeah. It was delicious, ma." He remarks, walking past her.

"Cory, what's wrong?" She wonders, as Cory walks to the table, and I walk to the fridge.
"I might as well tell you. I mean, you're going to hear about it anyway." He starts, as he sits down, and I grab a water bottle, then I close the fridge, and turn my attention towards him.
"Last night, I was out with Topanga, and we were having a really nice time. So I figured, why not go for it?" He adds, then his mother leans in a bit.
"Go for it? Cory, wh-what, what are you saying?" She asks, nervously, as I furrow my eyebrows.
"I went too far with Topanga." He continues, vaguely, not fully putting out the story.

"Oh, my god. How did this happen?" I barely, hear his mom say.
"She looked so pretty, Mom, and there we were all alone, in the back room of Chubbie's." He finishes, then quickly, I go to lean onto the counter.
"Cory." I advise, as suddenly, his mom breaks her cup.
"Mom! No, no. That's not what happened." He tries to reassure her, as he stands up, and goes to her.
"Well, all right, then." She responds, calmly, with a slightly quivering in her voice.
"Look, I just told Topanga, I loved her. She didn't feel the same way." He explains, as she places the broken cup, on the counter.

"Hi, Mrs. Matthews." I hear, as the door open, then I look over, and it's a really gorgeous girl. "Oh, sweet little Cory. Guess where we were." She adds, then links arms with Eric, who I just realised was there.
"The pottery barn." He hesitates to say, quietly, not making eye contact with anyone.
"Where?" Cory asks.
"Pottery barn. Pottery barn!" Eric answers, leaning in aggressively.
"Eric, show them the ceramic cat." She suggests, unlinking her arms with his.
"Later." Eric mutters with a smile, then I step toward her, leaving my water bottle, on the counter.

"Hi, I'm Dani. I'm a singer, and I could write a song just about how beautiful you are. Right here, right now." I introduce myself, boldly, offering my hand, then she laughs.
"Adorable. I'm Chrissi." She replies, shaking my hand, and I see Eric looking upset, in my peripheral vision, as we take our hands back, then Chrissi and I smile at each other.
"Uh, Chrissi, how about we go to the living room?" He wonders, with a forced smile, then she turns to him, and nods. Chrissi leads them toward the other room.
"Tell me again." She tells him, then Eric takes a glance at Cory, as I go back to leaning on the counter.

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