Season 1 Episode 9

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Trouble In Paradise:

Trouble In Paradise:

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A Week Later


"Griff, Dani, As you look back on your junior year here; what would you consider your most prized memory?" Topanga asks us, by my locker, then I look over at her, and I smile.
"I would say performing at homecoming." I answer, then Griff puts his arm, around my shoulders.
"Meeting Dani." He answers, simply.
"Wait, that makes mine seem so selfish." I say, looking up at him.
"Well, I liked homecoming too." He smiles, and looks at Topanga. "How about you put for mine, 'Going to homecoming and meeting Dani.' Then for their's 'Performing at homecoming and meeting Griff.'? How's that?" He asks her, then me, as Topanga starts writing.

"Good." I answer, and he kisses my forehead, then Topanga looks disgusted.
"Thank you for your time." She smiles, what seems sarcastically, to Griff, then walks away, and I look back at her.
"That was weird." I say, out loud, then I start to walk away, as I held his hand, and I turn around, looking at him, while walking, backwards.
"Where are we going?" He wonders, with a smile, as he walks, with me.
"Don't get all smiley. You're just walking me to class, not any else." I smile back, then I turn back around, and his arm naturally goes back, around my shoulders, as we walk off.


I walk the halls, after I had asked to go to the restroom, I turn the corner, and see Griff and Feeny, then I quickly hide, behind the corner, as I listen. "We're back from the airport, Griff. We got your lobsters." I hear Joey.
"Lobsters?" I whisper, as I hear Feeny say.
"Flown in fresh from Maine." Joey continues, then there's a loud noise.
"I could eat mine right now." I hear Frankie say.

"They're still alive, Frankie." Joey points out.
"I said what I said." Frankie counters.
"Mr. Feeny, care to join us for a late lunch? There's a four-pounder with your name on it." Griff asks him.
"Young man, I want you to go to my office and wait for me. Just Mr. Hawkins." Feeny directs.
"Where Griff goes, We go." Joey explains.
"Gentlemen, don't you have lives of your own?" Feeny wonders.
"No, sir." Frankie responds.
"And what happens when Mr. Hawkins isn't around to tell you what to do if, say, he's expelled?" Feeny questions.

"Then I guess that we'd be lackeys for Dani." Frankie replies, and I raise my eyebrows for a second, as I hear that.
"Why on earth would Dani be your leader?" Feeny asks.
"Because that's Mrs. Hawkins." Joey answers, and I smile, after hearing that.
"Mrs. Hawkins?" Feeny echoes.
"Joey, I know Mrs. Hawkins pretty well, and I don't think they'll want to be your leader without me." Griff corrects Joey.
"What?! Do they not like us or something?" Joey quickly questions, making me slightly laugh.
"Joseph! What would you do if there's no one to boss you around anymore?" Feeny puts him back onto the original subject.

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