Season 1 Episode 11

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Everything Must Come to an End:

Everything Must Come to an End:

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Two Weeks Later


I stand by Eric's locker, as he talks to me, and I look at Griff, from across the hall. "What college should I go to?" Eric ask, as Griff tosses his book, from hand to hand.
"I'd go wherever hot people go." I reply, softly.
"I like your thinking. Hey, do you think a place called y'allay, is a place where hot girls go?" He questions, and Griff goes over to his locker.

"Yea, proba-." I start, then Griff takes off his jacket, making me stop.
"Dani!" Eric says, loudly, closing his locker, and I jump, then look over at him. "You're checking out your own boyfriend. Just go to make out with him." He advises, then I run a hand through my hair.
"But, we're talking." I counter, and Eric crosses his arms, then he sighs, dramatically.
"Oh, really? What were we talking about than?" He wonders, then I can't think of an answer, and I exhale harshly, shaking my head, as I shrug. "Yahuh, that's what I thought." He reacts, before he grabs me, by my shoulders, and having me walk past him, then I continue to walk to Griff.

"Hey, there Hawkins." I greet, and I kiss him, quickly, then I smile.
"Hart, I was just thinking about you." He admits, with a smile, then he takes my arms, and places them on his shoulders, as he steps forward, making me step back.
"Really? cause I was just thinking about you." I say, as my back touches the wall, I lean my head towards him, then he grabs my waist, slowly pulling me closer to him, and closing the space, between our lips. He parts, and I follow, continuing the kiss, then I feel him smile a little. I cross my arms, behind his head, then I feel his hands move to my hips, and pulling me in more.

"Alright. Break it up, you two." I hear Turner directing, after he cleared his throat, and I drop down away from Griff, then he looks down at me, I turn his head, with one finger. "Get to class." Turner tells us, clearly, from the other side of the stairs.
"It's our free-" Griff starts.
"I have his class." I remind him, after I covered his mouth, then take my hand away, and look over to Turner. "I'll be right there, sir." I smile at him, then he turns to his left, and starts going back to his classroom.
"You called him 'sir'." Griff points out teasingly, and I look back at him, then he smiles at me.

"And I call you everything else, I'll even call you tonight. So, shut up, handsome." I counter, then I grab his face to kiss his cheek, before I pat his chest, and go to class.


"Dani." I hear Cory say, behind me then, I turn in my seat, and look at him. "Shawn went on a date, with a good girl." He gossips to me, while Shawn is right there across from me.
"A good girl? Makes sense, who is she?" I respond, then Cory reacts, confused.
"Makes sense? He went out with Dana Pruett, and he really likes her." He replies, and I label her in my head, as a Topanga doppelgänger, then I look over at Shawn.
"It makes sense." I repeat, as the bell rings, and we gather all our stuff, then we head out, before Dana walks up to us.

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