Season 1 Episode 10

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Trouble In Paradise Part Two:

Trouble In Paradise Part Two:

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Griff and I walk the halls, arms linked, then we stop at his locker. Griff takes his arm back to open his locker, before the jocks and Cory walk by, then Joey pops up in front of them in the trash can, shouting the word, 'yellow', twice. Griff closes his locker, and turns to me, then I look up at him. "I'm taking that means Matthews won and Joey wants a rematch?" I point out, then he looks over at them, for a second, before returning his attention back to me, and he nods.
"Yeah. Now, where were we?" He says, as he leans down to me, and I gently grab his chin, then move his head side to side.

"No. We care about Matthews, and we care about Joey, don't we? We have to do something to defuse their problem." I wonder, as I let go of his chin, then he puts his hands on my arms, and rubs them for a moment.
"I suppose you're right." He caves, and I smile, then I give him a quick kiss, before we head over.
"All right, Joey. You want me? You got me." Cory tells him, then Griff turns around, and I stop him.
"Good. Tonight, midnight. The abandoned warehouse on 7th." Joey plans, then Cory disagrees, and suggests Feeny's backyard at four. Joey disagrees, and counters with eight at the abandon shipyard by the pier, then Griff nods, as he turns back around.

"Is it abandoned?" Joey considers, after Cory suggests dinner time at his kitchen, then Griff leaves my side, and goes to them.
"Gentlemen, gentlemen. You have a score to settle, and I respect that, but settle it on neutral territory." Griff advises, and thinks for a second, then he puts his arms around them. "Like the gym, tomorrow night." He plans, and looks between the two.
"I don't exactly have keys to get in." Cory points out, then I quickly look over, at the custodian table, and it's abandoned. I also see his keys, and I quickly grab them, then go over to the boys.
"Now, neither does janitor bud but I do." I slightly brag, as I hold them up, then I smile, and put them in my pocket.


I wait, by the abandoned locker room.

"It's just Griff, and a bunch of thugs." I hear Cory say, as he and Shawn walk out, then they look over at me.
"Woah, you look nice." Shawn comments, and I smile, then I laugh a little, as I see Cory, with a horrified expression.
"Dan-Dani, please don't tell him, I said that." Cory pleads.
"Don't worry, you didn't call him a thug, you called Frankie and Joey thugs, but you don't have worry about them either. I mean Joey might-" I point out, as I walk over to the benches, then sit down on one, as I stop talking mid sentence.
"Wait, aren't you coming out with us?" Shawn wonders.
"Nah, I have to wait for my cue." I explain, with a nod, then they shrug, and head out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please greet the lovely, Dani Hart!" I hear Griff announce, after a minute, then some applaud, and I walk in.
"Now, you know I must really like you, because I'm doing this for you." I mention, as I walk up to Griff, before he pauses after looking over at me, and he kisses me, once I get close enough, then someone hands him another mic, before he hands it to me. "Thank you for coming tonight. Now, may everyone please stand for the national anthem." I say, into the mic, and everyone stands, as I go into the boxing ring, then I sing.

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