Season 1 Episode 16

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The Ski Lodge Part Three:

The Ski Lodge Part Three:

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"Do you know how much trouble you're in?" Turner wonders to the teens, as they all walk out, and start walking along the sidewalk, then Dani nods, as they take out her phone, and call someone.
"Hi, yeah, I just want to let you know, that twenty-four hours ago, I loved you, and I really wanted you to really want me, and to take me back. But now, I know that you're a douchebag, and that you're a sleazy-ass man, who doesn't deserve love from anyone. Have a shitty life." They say, slurring her words into their phone, as Shawn attempts to take it away, then she hangs up, and Shawn takes their phone away.

The rest of the walk was silent, besides from Dani shit-talking under her breath, then they all walk into the ski lodge at four-thirty, and Dani sees Cory, on the couch, awake. "Oh my god, it's Coryyyy, the Cory, Matthews." They greet him, stumbling over, then sits next to him, and hugs him. "You're a snitch but I'm not even mad, you snitched on me, because you, my friend, are a very good friend." She tells him, then kisses his cheek, dramatically.

"Dani, thanks for compliments, but you're drunk, and I think you need to sleep." He suggests, then they shush him, and laugh a little.
"I'm not drunk." She whispers to Cory, then normally to Turner, as they turn to look at him.
"Yeah, I'm the president." Turner says, walking over.
"Oh my god, you're the president. President Mr. Turner." Dani replies, as Turner helps her stand up, then they both look up, and the rest of the juniors and seniors of John Adams High at the top of the stairs, as well as Mr. Feeny. "Hi." Dani lets out, happily, as Turner leads them to and up the stairs.

"Excuse us." Turner says, as him and Dani go past the people, then around the corner.
"Alright, everyone, who just woke up, go to their rooms, til sunrise." Feeny directs, and they do so, as Feeny head down the stairs. "I know, Dani has been having more rough times, than usual, and since no one else seems to be under the influence. Let's just leave this be and let Mr. Turner handle their punishment since he's Dani's current guardian. Understood?" He tells them, and they all nod, then he heads back upstairs, to talk with Turner.
"What could you have been possibly thinking, Eric? Letting Dani drink." Shawn questions, in a whisper.

"It all happened so quickly. Plus, I only went to make sure she didn't get kidnapped or something. And Dani, drinks, occasionally, I thought they would handle herself, when it came to the drinking, they even knew the safety precautions." He replies, quickly.
"Eric, Dani just got broken up with. So, when she picked up, I don't know, their third drink, you didn't think, 'hey, maybe, I should do something, anything to prevent Dani from self-destructing.', you know?" Cory put out there.
"I don't know, but I do know, that I'm going to my room, and let you guys think, and realise this is nobody's fault." Eric tells them, before heading up the stairs. Griff heads down the stairs.

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