A Solo Echo

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*Peaks around the corner*

Heyyyyyyyyy.....It's uh...been awhile huh?

*Laughs nervously*

**See Author's notes at the end**

**See Author's notes at the end**

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Chapter 10: A Solo Echo

24 ABY

Everything was happening way too fast for Klara to comprehend as to who was fighting who. She had been tucked behind a crate with Chewbacca on her left and Han to her right. Han occasionally would lean over to fire shots from his blaster before seeking cover yet again. Chewbacca would also mimic Han's actions but was more vocal on how Han had led them into the mess in the first place. What was supposed to be a simple trade-off ended up turning into a battlefield. The fault clearly was Han's, and Klara wasn't the least bit surprised on the turn of events from her uncle. Originally, Han had set up a meeting immediately after the one they were attending, as a precaution, in case the trade wasn't to Han's liking. However, the meeting with the second group ended up arriving much earlier than planned. That is when everything broke out into a fight.

"I thought you said they were old friends of yours, Han?!" Klara shouted as she blocked blaster shots with her lightsaber before returning to cover. She would rather sit this fight out.

After firing from his blaster and returning to cover, Han let out a sigh. "Well, typically, the term 'old friends' hangs loosely around the term 'friends'".

After growling at his reply in frustration, Klara shot her uncle a glare. "This is your fight Han. Deal with it."

Han gave her a pointed look. "You're the Jedi. It would be much easier if you dealt with them."

Klara scoffed. "Now why would I do that when it's much more fun to watch you dig your way out of this mess." Klara paused as she watched Han give her a 'fair point' look. "Besides, if my father finds out-"

"He won't." Han interrupted. Before Klara could utter a reply, she felt that familiar tug in the Force and groaned.

"I'm afraid he's about to find out." Klara bit as she silently cursed herself for jinxing the moment. Klara watched as her father materialized in front of her, only visible to her seeing eyes. She had yet to master control over her Force Bond with her father and he used that to his advantage whenever he felt Klara was in danger.

"Klara?" Her father questioned with worry laced in his voice. "Where are you."

"Well..." She started but trailed off. She watched Han give her a confused look, no doubt wondering who she was talking to. She watched as her father diverted his eyes from her to look around. Klara knew that her father would be able to look at her surroundings with no hesitation since she lacked control to shut him out. She watched as her father grew in realization on just where she was and what was happening in her background as his eyes finally trailed to where Han sat to her side.

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