In Search of the Map

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To say it was hot was an understatement

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To say it was hot was an understatement. The star nearby Jakku was setting the place ablaze, at least that's what it felt like for Klara. Glancing around, all she saw was sand. Sand on the ground, sand in the distance, and sand in her mouth as she tasted its bitter saltiness from being whipped by the winds. She landed her ship a distance away from the town Lor San Tekka was presumed to be feeling that it was safer to keep a resistance ship from prying eyes, especially if it was indeed stolen. She wouldn't put it past Maz to acquire stolen goods. In fact, that was how she came across Luke's lightsaber though she never bargained it off to any merchants. No doubt lightsabers were worth quite the amount of money on the market. Upon her arrival to Maz Kanata's Castle, Maz offered Klara the chance to take the lightsaber, and even then, Klara dismissed Maz. Klara didn't feel the need to carry around a reminder of her past, at least not the negative ones.

Jakku's star was at its highest point in the sky as rays of its magnificent heat descended onto this dreadful planet making her regret having to walk such a long distance to the town. Klara groaned in dissatisfaction of her choice. As to how some managed to live here was indeed something she couldn't understand. This planet is insufferable. It took her about an hour to finally reach the town and by then she was fatigued. She needed water, food, and perhaps a good ale to go along with it all. Well, perhaps not the ale seeing as how it would dehydrate her even further, so was it truly worth it? She pondered for a bit before internally siding with a reasonable choice. Klara was elated when she found a pub rather quickly. Upon entering the settlement, Klara didn't bother to take off her cloak and remained hidden within the confines of her hood. She wanted to remain unseen. Hmm, but wouldn't that make me all the more suspicious looking? Perhaps it did but she paid no heed to it. She ordered something simple, meat procured by the locals of which she didn't wish to know the origins of. Its taste was all that mattered to her.

Paying the man, she took her meal and cowered in a nearby corner, one in which gave her a view of the door. She ate in silence and made sure to keep a lookout. She wasn't disappointed when an older man walked in a few minutes after she started eating. He wore a brown overcoat and a lighter brown pair of slacks. His shirt was darkly colored but tinted more with the ever-descending light of the star nearby. Lor San Tekka. Klara's lips curled into a smile as soon as she identified him and continued to watch him. She noted him glancing around, looking for someone, but she glanced down at her table when his gaze was working his way towards her. Klara stole a glance back up. His back was to her as he was exiting the area. Klara quickly took one last bite of her meal and rushed towards the door. The air outside was no longer it's blazing heat but it had a chill to it now. The planet's star was setting bringing an array of beautiful colored tints to the sky. Klara will admit that though this planet is unreasonably hot and full of sand, it still had a beautiful sky.

A Star Plucked from the Sky| P.D.Where stories live. Discover now