A Solo Lament: Part 3

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A Solo Lament: Part 3

24 ABY

4 Years before Luke's Jedi Temple destruction

She was soaking wet. Her hair looked darker as its soaked features stuck to her skin. The Jedi robes she wore also were a darker shade from the wetness. She still stood the shallowed water she was currently standing in, baffled beyond belief. Her face was most likely contorted with growing irritation at the three that stood at the bank of the pond she had been thrust into. Ben was holding a creature she forgot the name of, shielding it from her glare. Her irritation was directed at the said creature that had the audacity to put her in her current soaked state. Hennix, Voe, and Tai were currently laughing at her state as well.

She shot them a hard look that instantly shut them up.

Hennix cleared his throat. "We told you not to antagonize it. You only have that dunder brain of yours to blame, Klara."

She growled out as she shook her arms in attempt to throw the water soaking her off. A poor attempt. She angrily made her way out of the water and stomped up to Ben. He flinched and turned slightly away from her, still shielding the small fat bird-like creature. The nerve he had.

"Let me teach this rude creature a lesson." She reached out her hand in attempt to simply flick the creature's forehead.

"You wouldn't dare. Luke wouldn't be happy to see his daughter abusing a poor innocent animal." Ben had said in defense.

She scoffed. "Innocent?" She questioned. She pointed at herself then to the creature before going back to herself. "Do you not see my state this kriffing bird put me in?"

She watched as Ben looked her up and down. The smile he formed made her irritation only grow. "So? The bird did nothing wrong."

"I'll show you what it did wrong." She angrily growled out. Before she could do anything to the creature, it repeated the same defense and kicked its tinny feet against Ben this time. He was sent flying into the water just as she had moments ago. Klara felt nothing but pure satisfaction as she watched Ben groan in irritation from the shallow water. The bird-like creature had run off by the time Klara attempted to locate its whereabouts.

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