A Solo Lament: Part 2

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They all sat in silence as the Falcon made its way back to base

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They all sat in silence as the Falcon made its way back to base. Chewie remained at the pilot's seat while Rey and Klara sat at the Dejarik table. The silence was consuming, and nothing could be heard except the gentle hum of the Millennium Falcon. Klara's mind fought hard against the thought of her loss, of everyone's loss. She refused to have a break down right in front of Rey. Rey needed to see a strong Jedi, not a frail one.

She was trying to focus on other things. It first started with her hair. She undid that and let it fall down her back. She ran her hands through her hair next, untangling the strands. However, her thoughts were soon trying to go back to Han, so she tried to focus on something else.

Her mind wandered to Finn. Klara recalled that shortly after her arrival aboard the Falcon, Rey was frantic as she led her to Finns lying form. Klara had quickly inspected his wounds and attempted to focus on healing him, but much to hers and Rey's disappointment, she was unable to. It wasn't because she wasn't a strong Jedi, but because each Jedi, like a personality, harnesses certain abilities better than others. Her father had mentioned an old friend of his by the name of Obi-Wan Kenobi once. He stated that although Obi-Wan was a powerful Jedi, and as much as he wanted, he could never harness the ability to heal. The same went for Klara. She was limited to certain aspects within the Force. No Jedi was "all-powerful" in their lifetime unless they were blessed with a life full of longevity. Her father had mentioned a very powerful Jedi of the name Yoda and how he endured training by this Jedi.

Before the fall of her father's temple, Klara was in the process of learning and understanding the nature of healing through the Force but never finished the training, nor did she continue. For some time, she didn't even know who she was until a Force ghost paid her a visit to give her a reawakening. Even after she rediscovered herself, the locked her Force abilities away in guilt, refusing to ever have anything to do with the Force. She felt her failure not only as a sister to Ben, but as a daughter to the most powerful Jedi living. So, she spent years traveling, keeping her head down, and doing minor jobs for Maz before permanently staying at Maz's castle. It was Maz who later convinced her to put up a fight. Maz reawakened hope within Klara and shoved her out of her depressive state. It was because of these years of shoving the Force away that Ushar was an even match to her. She needed to train and preferably with another Jedi.

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