Return of Someone Dead

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Hello all! It's later in the day for me but it is still the Fourth and I couldn't help but post on this day. 

So in this chapter I will introduce Poe's squadron (based on both the movies and canon) and you will get a sense of the interaction I see them as. The story will start in Poe's perspective then lead back to Klara's. This chapter will also take place, later, in Takodana where Han, Rey, Finn, and BB8 visit Maz. As usual, I do not own Star Wars only my Oc's and minor story adjustments to fit them in.

Poe- xoxo

May the 4th be with you all!

Happy reading :)

Skywalker? Klara was Luke Skywalker's daughter? It already shocked him to find out she was a Jedi, or at least was strong with the Force since she told him it was 'complicated'

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Skywalker? Klara was Luke Skywalker's daughter? It already shocked him to find out she was a Jedi, or at least was strong with the Force since she told him it was 'complicated'. But a Skywalker? When he first heard the last name being said he was in complete shock to the point that he couldn't form words. No doubt Klara had caught his reaction either. Why didn't she tell him though? Granted they had only just met he didn't quite trust her yet, so perhaps she didn't trust him? Poe could only speculate what her reasonings were.

Luke Skywalker was a legend within the resistance -a war hero- not to mention, Poe heard he was the best resistance pilot around. That already had him looking up to the man with admiration. He's heard all the stories from the time Leia and Luke fighting with the Rebel Alliance to combat the Tyranny of Darth Vader and the Emperor. Stories of the Death Star and stories of that of Han Solo. Yet stories became more of legends. Especially of the Jedi.

Poe heard that Kylo Ren massacred the remaining Jedi being trained under Luke Skywalker. After that day, Luke vanished. Some thought he was dead while others, like Leia, only hoped for his return. He heard rumors that his daughter perished among them but seeing as she was very much alive, they were merely rumors. Poe now understood why she had put her life at risk to ensure his safe return. Klara wanted to find her father, perhaps even more so than the resistance. Poe had to admit he felt guilty for leaving her behind on that wasteland of a planet, but he knew that there was no other choice. The X-Wing itself was only meant to seat one person and his X-wing was out of commission. If he had stayed behind to help her, he would've been risking the entire mission. He needed to get to Leia and make sure she was aware of the map situation. Once he did get to the base, he hurriedly informed Leia and did ask to go back to get Klara but she denied his request saying she needed him at the base.

When someone informed him that his X-Wing had landed on the base, Poe had felt a sense of relief flood through him. He had rushed to where she had landed knowing full well, she would be greeted with much hostility. Once he saw her, he informed the others she was with him and couldn't help but flash her a smile. She had saved him and gave him a chance to save the mission after his failure and she managed to live. For that he was grateful for. Klara had earned Poe's trust, and these days he wasn't as freely giving it away as he was in the past. She arrived alive, tattered and all, but she still stood there with such fortitude despite how she appeared. Poe did take the time to notice her injured shoulder but didn't mention it since she had to go to Leia before anything.

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